Welcome telegrams to VI Lenin and the Council of People's Commissars on the anniversary of the Red Army and in connection with victories on the fronts
Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR (SNK RSFSR).
Welcome telegrams to VI Lenin and the Council of People's Commissars on the anniversary of the Red Army and in connection with victories on the fronts.
Welcome telegrams to VI Lenin and the Council of People's Commissars on the anniversary of the Red Army and in connection with victories on the fronts.
Anniversary of the First Revolutionary Army
Anniversary of the first revolutionary army. Moscow: Literary and Publishing Department of the Political Directorate of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic, 1920.
5 years of the Red Army
5 years of the Red Army. Ryazan: edition of the Provincial Committee of the RCP (B.), 1923.
Reminder-compilation to the Red Guardsman of the 51st Vladimir Termole Regiment in honor of the 6th anniversary of the Red Army from the chief of the Vladimir Uyezd-City Executive Committee of the workers, cross. and Red Army deputies
The Vladimir Territorial Regiment (51). Reminder-compilation to the Red Guardsman of the 51st Vladimir Termole Regiment in honor of the 6th anniversary of the Red Army from the chief of the Vladimir Uyezd-City Executive Committee of the workers, cross. and Red Army deputies. Vladimir: the publication of the Communications Commission 51 regiment, 1924.
Влад. ОУНБ
XV years of the Red Army
XV years of the Red Army. Arkhangelsk: Northern Territory State Publishing House, 1933.
Архангельская ОНБ
XXIVth anniversary of the heroic Red Army
XXIVth anniversary of the heroic Red Army. Novosibirsk: Novosibgiz, 1942.
Новосибирская ГОНБ
Scientific session of the Azerbaijan branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the heroic Red Army
AN SSSR. Azerbaijan Branch
Scientific session of the Azerbaijan branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the heroic Red Army.
Baku: [б. and., 1943].
Baku: [б. and., 1943].
XXV anniversary of the heroic Red Army
XXV anniversary of the heroic Red Army. Novosibirsk: Novosibgiz, 1943.
Новосибирская ГОНБ
Twenty-five years of the Red Army
Twenty-five years of the Red Army. Novosibirsk: Novosibirsk Regional State Publishing House, 1943.
Новосибирская ГОНБ
In response to the leader's greeting, we will organize a competition for a fitting meeting of the 25th anniversary of the Red Army
In response to the leader's greeting, we will organize a competition for a fitting meeting of the 25th anniversary of the Red Army. [Omsk]: OGIZ, [1943].
Омская ГОНБ