Political discourse as a means of manipulating consciousness
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Politico-communicative technologies in the electoral practice of Russia and France (on the example of the presidential elections of 2007-2008)
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Social capital as a factor in the effectiveness of presidential election campaigns in Russia and the United States (2000-2008): the role and technology of use
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Election of the President of the Russian Federation
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The Electoral Rights of Russian Citizens in the Election of the President of the Russian Federation
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The political discourse of the Russian media during the 2008 presidential elections
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СПбГУ. Сайт
Election of the President of the Russian Federation of 1996
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Federal Law "On Elections of the President of the Russian Federation" in Questions and Answers
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Библиотека Администрации Президента Российской Федерации
Presidential elections in Russia in 1996 and 2000: a comparative historical analysis
Ordomskaya, Elizaveta Alexandrovna
Presidential elections in Russia in 1996 and 2000: a comparative historical analysis.
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The phenomenon of absenteeism in the parliamentary and presidential elections in Russia
Sidorkina, Evgenia Sergeevna (candidate of political sciences). The phenomenon of absenteeism in the parliamentary and presidential elections in Russia. Moscow, 2008.