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About the Presidential Library
About the Presidential Library : [presentation video / director: Y. V...About the Presidential Library...About the Presidential Library [presentation video director: Y. V. Sennikova operators: V. M. Yar...About the Presidential Library...About the Presidential Library
Ethnological notes about the Yenisey-Ostyak
Ethnological notes about the Yenisey-Ostyak : (in the Turukhansk region) / by Kai Donner. - Helsinki...Ethnological notes about the Yenisey-Ostyak...Ethnological notes about the Yenisey-Ostyak (in the Turukhansk region) by Kai Donner Suomalais-ugr...Ethnological notes about the Yenisey-Ostyak...Ethnological notes about the Yenisey-Ostyak
A walk in and about the city of Canterbury
Gostling, W.
A walk in and about the city of Canterbury : With many observations...A walk in and about the city of Canterbury...A walk in and about the city of Canterbury With many observations, not hitherto described in any...A walk in and about the city of Canterbury...A walk in and about the city of Canterbury
Красная книга Красноярского края. Редкие и находящиеся под угрозой исчезновения виды животных = Red data book of the Krasnoyarsk territory. Rare and endangered species of animals
виды животных = Red data book of the Krasnoyarsk territory. Rare and endangered species of animals... data book of the Krasnoyarsk territory. Rare and endangered species of animals... data book of the Krasnoyarsk territory. Rare and endangered species of animals Сыроечковский Е.Е.... data book of the Krasnoyarsk territory. Rare and endangered species of animals... data book of the Krasnoyarsk territory. Rare and endangered species of animals
Фоторепортаж о матче «Живые шахматы» на площади Урицкого. Ленинград, 20.07.1924. [3] = Photographic report about the ‘Live Chess’ match at Uritsky Square. Leningrad, July 20, 1924. [3]
. [3] = Photographic report about the ‘Live Chess’ match at Uritsky Square. Leningrad, July 20, 1924... report about the ‘Live Chess’ match at Uritsky Square. Leningrad, July 20, 1924. [3]...tographic report about the ‘Live Chess’ match at Uritsky Square. Leningrad, July 20, 1924. [3] Булла, А. К.... report about the ‘Live Chess’ match at Uritsky Square. Leningrad, July 20, 1924. [3]...tographic report about the ‘Live Chess’ match at Uritsky Square. Leningrad, July 20, 1924. [3]
Красная книга Еврейской автономной области. Редкие и находящиеся под угрозой исчезновения виды животных = Red data book of the Jewish Autonomous Region. Rare and endangered species of animals
species of animals / Горобейко В.В. - Хабаровск, 2004. -605: Территория.
Источник электронной копии: БЕН РАН
... животных = Red data book of the Jewish Autonomous Region. Rare and endangered species of animals...отных = Red data book of the Jewish Autonomous Region. Rare and endangered species of animals Горобейко В.В.... животных = Red data book of the Jewish Autonomous Region. Rare and endangered species of animals...отных = Red data book of the Jewish Autonomous Region. Rare and endangered species of animals
Фоторепортаж о матче «Живые шахматы» на площади Урицкого. Ленинград, 20.07.1924. [4] = Photographic report about the ‘Live Chess’ match at Uritsky Square. Leningrad, July 20, 1924. [4]
. [4] = Photographic report about the ‘Live Chess’ match at Uritsky Square. Leningrad, July 20, 1924... report about the ‘Live Chess’ match at Uritsky Square. Leningrad, July 20, 1924. [4]...tographic report about the ‘Live Chess’ match at Uritsky Square. Leningrad, July 20, 1924. [4] Булла, А. К.... report about the ‘Live Chess’ match at Uritsky Square. Leningrad, July 20, 1924. [4]...tographic report about the ‘Live Chess’ match at Uritsky Square. Leningrad, July 20, 1924. [4]
Фоторепортаж о матче «Живые шахматы» на площади Урицкого. Ленинград, 20.07.1924. [5] = Photographic report about the ‘Live Chess’ match at Uritsky Square. Leningrad, July 20, 1924. [5]
. [5] = Photographic report about the ‘Live Chess’ match at Uritsky Square. Leningrad, July 20, 1924... report about the ‘Live Chess’ match at Uritsky Square. Leningrad, July 20, 1924. [5]...tographic report about the ‘Live Chess’ match at Uritsky Square. Leningrad, July 20, 1924. [5] Булла, А. К.... report about the ‘Live Chess’ match at Uritsky Square. Leningrad, July 20, 1924. [5]...tographic report about the ‘Live Chess’ match at Uritsky Square. Leningrad, July 20, 1924. [5]
Фоторепортаж о матче «Живые шахматы» на площади Урицкого. Ленинград, 20.07.1924. [6] = Photographic report about the ‘Live Chess’ match at Uritsky Square. Leningrad, July 20, 1924. [6]
. [6] = Photographic report about the ‘Live Chess’ match at Uritsky Square. Leningrad, July 20, 1924... report about the ‘Live Chess’ match at Uritsky Square. Leningrad, July 20, 1924. [6]...tographic report about the ‘Live Chess’ match at Uritsky Square. Leningrad, July 20, 1924. [6] Булла, А. К.... report about the ‘Live Chess’ match at Uritsky Square. Leningrad, July 20, 1924. [6]...tographic report about the ‘Live Chess’ match at Uritsky Square. Leningrad, July 20, 1924. [6]
Предметы декора, включая канделябры, коробочки и резные фигуры животных. [Decorative items on display including a candleabra, boxes, and a carved animal sculpture]
a candleabra, boxes, and a carved animal sculpture] [graphic] . - [between 1905 and 1915]. - 1... on display including a candleabra, boxes, and a carved animal sculpture]...[Decorative items on display including a candleabra, boxes, and a carved animal sculpture] gra...[Decorative items on display including a candleabra, boxes, and a carved animal sculpture]...[Decorative items on display including a candleabra, boxes, and a carved animal sculpture]
Фоторепортаж о матче «Живые шахматы» на площади Урицкого. Ленинград, 20.07.1924. [1] = Photographic report about the ‘Live Chess’ match at Uritsky Square. Leningrad, July 20, 1924. [1]
. [1] = Photographic report about the ‘Live Chess’ match at Uritsky Square. Leningrad, July 20, 1924... report about the ‘Live Chess’ match at Uritsky Square. Leningrad, July 20, 1924. [1]...tographic report about the ‘Live Chess’ match at Uritsky Square. Leningrad, July 20, 1924. [1] Булла, А. К.... report about the ‘Live Chess’ match at Uritsky Square. Leningrad, July 20, 1924. [1]...tographic report about the ‘Live Chess’ match at Uritsky Square. Leningrad, July 20, 1924. [1]
Фоторепортаж о матче «Живые шахматы» на площади Урицкого. Ленинград, 20.07.1924. [2] = Photographic report about the ‘Live Chess’ match at Uritsky Square. Leningrad, July 20, 1924. [2]
. [2] = Photographic report about the ‘Live Chess’ match at Uritsky Square. Leningrad, July 20, 1924... report about the ‘Live Chess’ match at Uritsky Square. Leningrad, July 20, 1924. [2]...tographic report about the ‘Live Chess’ match at Uritsky Square. Leningrad, July 20, 1924. [2] Булла, А. К.... report about the ‘Live Chess’ match at Uritsky Square. Leningrad, July 20, 1924. [2]...tographic report about the ‘Live Chess’ match at Uritsky Square. Leningrad, July 20, 1924. [2]
An archaeological study about the road network of Вohai = Исследование древних дорог бохайского периода // Мультидисциплинарные исследования в археологии. 2019. № 2. С.52-61
An archaeological study about the road network of Вohai = Исследование древних...An archaeological study about the road network of Вohai = Исследование древних дорог бохайского...An archaeological study about the road network of Вohai = Исследование древних дорог бохайского пер...An archaeological study about the road network of Вohai = Исследование древних дорог бохайского...An archaeological study about the road network of Вohai = Исследование древних дорог бохайского пер
Саяногорский алюминиевый завод (Республика Хакасия). Алюминевые слитки
Хакасия, г. Саяногорск 605: Территория 605: Республика Хакасия 605: Народ инф: https://rusal.ru/about
Правда об Ютландском бое 31 мая 1916 г.
Правда об Ютландском бое 31 мая 1916 г. = The truth about Jutland : Пер...Правда об Ютландском бое 31 мая 1916 г. The truth about Jutland Пер. с англ. eng Правда об Ютл...The truth about Jutland...The truth about Jutland
Gornostai. Chuchela iz kollektsii N.P. Alina v Cherdyni
Ermine. Stuffed animals from the collection of N.P. Alin in Cherdyn. eng. Горностай. Чучела...Gornostai. Chuchela iz kollektsii N.P. Alina v Cherdyni graphic Ermine. Stuffed animals from the...Ermine. Stuffed animals from the collection of N.P. Alin in Cherdyn...Ermine. Stuffed animals from the collection of N.P. Alin in Cherdyn
Караван верблюдов и четыре мужчины, стоящие перед мешками, на переднем плане изображены бревна. [Group of camels and four men posed in front of piles of sacks, logs in foreground]
by Library staff
1. Территория России (коллекция). 2. Logs. 3. Bags. 4. Men. 5. Pack animals. 6
Верблюд, нагруженный мешками, лежащий среди мешков. [Camel, loaded with sacks, lying in field of sacks]
. - Title devised by Library staff
1. Территория России (коллекция). 2. Bags. 3. Pack animals
Karavan verbliudov, vezushchii koliuchku dlia korma. Golodnaia step''
. Территория России (коллекция). 2. Pack animals. 3. Caravans. 4. Camels. 5. Donkeys. 6. Народы
Рыбное хозяйство низовьев реки Енисея
of polar agriculture, animal husbandry and fishing and hunting industry = Series of hunting...мыслового хозяйства Transactions of the Institute of polar agriculture, animal husbandry and fis...Transactions of the Institute of polar agriculture, animal husbandry and fishing and hunting industry...Transactions of the Institute of polar agriculture, animal husbandry and fishing and hunting industry
Туркмен, стоящий с верблюдом, груженным мешками с зерном или хлопком, Центральная Азия. [Turkmen man posing with camel loaded with sacks, probably of grain or cotton, Central Asia]
by Library staff
1. Территория России (коллекция). 2. Pack animals. 3. Bags. 4. Turkmen -- Men. 5
Bielaia lisitsa. Chuchela iz kollektsii N.P. Alina v Cherdyni
White fox. Stuffed animals from the collection of N.P. Alin in Cherdyn. eng. Белая лисица. Чучела...Bielaia lisitsa. Chuchela iz kollektsii N.P. Alina v Cherdyni graphic White fox. Stuffed animals...White fox. Stuffed animals from the collection of N.P. Alin in Cherdyn...White fox. Stuffed animals from the collection of N.P. Alin in Cherdyn