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Monographs of the Mediaeval academy of America
Monographs of the Mediaeval academy of America. - Cambridge, Massachusetts... : The Mediaeval academy of America, 1932-1937. -Сканирование произведено за счет средств гранта...Monographs of the Mediaeval academy of America...The Mediaeval academy of America...The Mediaeval academy of America...Monographs of the Mediaeval academy of America...Monographs of the Mediaeval academy of America...Monographs of the Mediaeval academy of America
The history of the Rights of Princes
Burnet, Gilbert
The history of the Rights of Princes : In the disposing...The history of the Rights of Princes...The history of the Rights of Princes In the disposing of ecclesiastical genefices and church-lan...The history of the Rights of Princes...The history of the Rights of Princes
Account of the Russian discoveries between Asia and America
Coxe, William
Account of the Russian discoveries between Asia and America : To...Account of the Russian discoveries between Asia and America...Account of the Russian discoveries between Asia and America To which are added the conquest of Sib...Account of the Russian discoveries between Asia and America...Account of the Russian discoveries between Asia and America
Narrative of the discoveries on the north coast of America
Simpson, Thomas
Narrative of the discoveries on the north coast of America...Narrative of the discoveries on the north coast of America...Narrative of the discoveries on the north coast of America Effected by the officers of the Hud...Narrative of the discoveries on the north coast of America...Narrative of the discoveries on the north coast of America
Monographs of the Mediaeval academy of America. № 11. The Goths in the Crimea
Monographs of the Mediaeval academy of America. - Cambridge..., Massachusetts : The Mediaeval academy of America, 1932-1937. -Сканирование произведено за счет средств...Monographs of the Mediaeval academy of America. № 11. The Goths in the Crimea...The Mediaeval academy of America...The Mediaeval academy of America...The Goths in the Crimea Alexander Alexandrovich Vasiliev, professor of History University of Wisconsin Monographs of the Mediaeval academy of America № 11...Monographs of the Mediaeval academy of America...Monographs of the Mediaeval academy of America
Memoir, historical and political, on the Northwest coast of North America, and the adjacent territories
of North America, and the adjacent territories : Illustrated by a map and a geographical view of those...Memoir, historical and political, on the Northwest coast of North America, and the adjacent territories...Memoir, historical and political, on the Northwest coast of North America, and the adjacent ter...Memoir, historical and political, on the Northwest coast of North America, and the adjacent territories...Memoir, historical and political, on the Northwest coast of North America, and the adjacent territories
Labels for lend-lease shipments. March, 1943. "From the United States of America" labels...
of America" labels ... [Graphic] . - 1943 Mar. - 6 photographic prints. - This record contains unverified...Labels for lend-lease shipments. March, 1943. "From the United States of America" labels......Labels for lend-lease shipments. March, 1943. "From the United States of America" labels... Gra...Labels for lend-lease shipments. March, 1943. "From the United States of America" labels......Labels for lend-lease shipments. March, 1943. "From the United States of America" labels...
Voyages from Montreal, on the river St. Laurence, through the continent of North America, to the Frozen and Pacific oceans; in the years 1789 and 1793
the continent of North America, to the Frozen and Pacific oceans; in the years 1789 and 1793 : With...Voyages from Montreal, on the river St. Laurence, through the continent of North America, to the Frozen and Pacific oceans; in the years 1789 and 1793...Voyages from Montreal, on the river St. Laurence, through the continent of North America, to the...Voyages from Montreal, on the river St. Laurence, through the continent of North America, to the Frozen and Pacific oceans; in the years 1789 and 1793...Voyages from Montreal, on the river St. Laurence, through the continent of North America, to the
A view of the United States of America, in a series of papers, written at various times, between the years 1787 and 1794
A view of the United States of America, in a series of papers, written...A view of the United States of America, in a series of papers, written at various times, between the years 1787 and 1794...A view of the United States of America, in a series of papers, written at various times, between the years 1787 and 1794 Coxe, Tench...A view of the United States of America, in a series of papers, written at various times, between the years 1787 and 1794...A view of the United States of America, in a series of papers, written at various times, between the years 1787 and 1794
[Members of the "Big Three" seated at table during Potsdam Conference, including: Winston Churchill, upper left with cigar; Joseph Stalin, right holding cigarette; and, President Harry S. Truman, bottom, with back to camera looking to the right]
Stalin, right holding cigarette; and, President Harry S. Truman, bottom, with back to camera looking... to the right] [graphic] . - 1945. - 1 photographic print. - Acme News Pictures photograph. - Signal..., upper left with cigar; Joseph Stalin, right holding cigarette; and, President Harry S. Truman, bottom, with back to camera looking to the right]...rchill, upper left with cigar; Joseph Stalin, right holding cigarette; and, President Harry S. Truman, bot...tom, with back to camera looking to the right] graphic [Члены «Большой тройки» сидят за сто..., upper left with cigar; Joseph Stalin, right holding cigarette; and, President Harry S. Truman, bottom, with back to camera looking to the right]...rchill, upper left with cigar; Joseph Stalin, right holding cigarette; and, President Harry S. Truman, bottom, with back to camera looking to the right]
General Karte des Russischen Reiche // . Die neuen Entdeckungen der Russen zwischen Asien und America
General Karte des Russischen Reiche // . Die neuen Entdeckungen der Russen zwischen Asien und America...schen Asien und America nebst der Geschichte der Eroberung Siberiens und des Handels der Russen und Chi...Die neuen Entdeckungen der Russen zwischen Asien und America...Die neuen Entdeckungen der Russen zwischen Asien und America
Historia de la conquista de Mexico, poblacion, y progressos de la America septentrional, conocida por el nombre de Nueva Espana
la America septentrional, conocida por el nombre de Nueva Espana : Dedicase al illustrissimo senor...Historia de la conquista de Mexico, poblacion, y progressos de la America septentrional, conocida por el nombre de Nueva Espana...Historia de la conquista de Mexico, poblacion, y progressos de la America septentrional, con...Historia de la conquista de Mexico, poblacion, y progressos de la America septentrional, conocida por el nombre de Nueva Espana...Historia de la conquista de Mexico, poblacion, y progressos de la America septentrional, conocida por el nombre de Nueva Espana
Члены Петербургского велосипедно-атлетического общества. Сидит справа А. Ф. Краевский. 1900-е = Members of St. Petersburg Bicycle and Athletics Society. A. Kraevsky seated, right. 1900s
. Краевский. 1900-е = Members of St. Petersburg Bicycle and Athletics Society. A. Kraevsky seated, right... = Members of St. Petersburg Bicycle and Athletics Society. A. Kraevsky seated, right. 1900s...bers of St. Petersburg Bicycle and Athletics Society. A. Kraevsky seated, right. 1900s Булла, К. К.... = Members of St. Petersburg Bicycle and Athletics Society. A. Kraevsky seated, right. 1900s...bers of St. Petersburg Bicycle and Athletics Society. A. Kraevsky seated, right. 1900s
Description and use of "The Sectograph", principally intended for the purpose of dividing right lines into equal parts, measuring, laying down, or dividing angles, and inscribing polygons in the circle, & c.
of dividing right lines into equal parts, measuring, laying down, or dividing angles, and inscribing...Description and use of "The Sectograph", principally intended for the purpose of dividing right...Description and use of "The Sectograph", principally intended for the purpose of dividing right lin...Description and use of "The Sectograph", principally intended for the purpose of dividing right...Description and use of "The Sectograph", principally intended for the purpose of dividing right lin
General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Admiral Sir Harold M. Burrough, Allied Naval Commander in Chief in Europe, and Marshall Gregory Zhukov, Deputy Supreme Commander of all Soviet Forces, at SHAEF. At right is Lt. Col. O. Pontuhoff, interpreter
Zhukov, Deputy Supreme Commander of all Soviet Forces, at SHAEF. At right is Lt. Col. O. Pontuhoff... in Europe, and Marshall Gregory Zhukov, Deputy Supreme Commander of all Soviet Forces, at SHAEF. At right is Lt. Col. O. Pontuhoff, interpreter...ef in Europe, and Marshall Gregory Zhukov, Deputy Supreme Commander of all Soviet Forces, at SHAEF. At right... in Europe, and Marshall Gregory Zhukov, Deputy Supreme Commander of all Soviet Forces, at SHAEF. At right is Lt. Col. O. Pontuhoff, interpreter...ef in Europe, and Marshall Gregory Zhukov, Deputy Supreme Commander of all Soviet Forces, at SHAEF. At right is Lt. Col. O. Pontuhoff, interpreter
Letter from Gabriel Snodgrass, Esq. to the Right Honorable Henry Dundas, president of the board of commissioners for the affairs of India, one of his majesty's principal secretaries of state, &c. &c. and to the Hon. the Chairman, the Deputy Chairman, and court of directors of the East-India company, on the mode of improving the navy of Great Britain
Snodgrass, Gabriel
Letter from Gabriel Snodgrass, Esq. to the Right Honorable...Letter from Gabriel Snodgrass, Esq. to the Right Honorable Henry Dundas, president of the board...Letter from Gabriel Snodgrass, Esq. to the Right Honorable Henry Dundas, president of the boa...Letter from Gabriel Snodgrass, Esq. to the Right Honorable Henry Dundas, president of the board...Letter from Gabriel Snodgrass, Esq. to the Right Honorable Henry Dundas, president of the boa
Купольные глинобитные здания с людьми, стоящими рядом, справа на заднем плане виднеется часть осыпающейся мечети. [Domed adobe buildings with several people standing nearby, part of crumbling mosque visible in background, on right]
in background, on right] [graphic] . - [between 1905 and 1915]. - 1 negative (3 frames) : glass, b&w... осыпающейся мечети. [Domed adobe buildings with several people standing nearby, part of crumbling mosque visible in background, on right]...kground, on right] graphic Купольные глинобитные здания с людьми, стоящими рядом, справа на заднем плане виднеется часть осыпающейся мечети rus...[Domed adobe buildings with several people standing nearby, part of crumbling mosque visible in background, on right]...[Domed adobe buildings with several people standing nearby, part of crumbling mosque visible in background, on right]
The original astronomical observations made in the course of a voyage to the Northern Pacific ocean, for the discovery of a north east or north west passage: wherein the north west coast of America and north east coast of Asia were explored
the north west coast of America and north east coast of Asia were explored : In His Majesty's Ships..., for the discovery of a north east or north west passage: wherein the north west coast of America and north east coast of Asia were explored...an, for the discovery of a north east or north west passage: wherein the north west coast of America..., for the discovery of a north east or north west passage: wherein the north west coast of America and north east coast of Asia were explored...an, for the discovery of a north east or north west passage: wherein the north west coast of America and north east coast of Asia were explored
Langsdorf, G. H. von. Voyages and Travels in Various Parts of the World, during the Years 1803, 1804, 1805, 1806, and 1807. Part. 2 : Containing the voyage to the Aleutian islands and North-west coast of America, and return by Land of the north-east parts of Asia, through Siberia to Petersburg. - London : Printed for Henry Colburn ... ; and sold by George Goldie, Edinburgh and John Cumming, Dublin, 1814. – [8], 386, [6] c. : ил., 1 л. фронт..
islands and North-west coast of America, and return by Land of the north-east parts of Asia, through... coast of America, and return by Land of the north-east parts of Asia, through Siberia to Petersburg...st of America, and return by Land of the north-east parts of Asia, through Siberia to Pet... coast of America, and return by Land of the north-east parts of Asia, through Siberia to Petersburg...st of America, and return by Land of the north-east parts of Asia, through Siberia to Pet
Fairbanks, Alaska. Vice President Henry A. Wallace, returning from China and Siberia, dining at Ladd Field with Russia and American airmen who fly lend-lease planes to Russia through the Alaskan wing of the Air Transport Command. Left to right: Colonel N.S. Vasin, commanding officer of the Russian Air Force''s first aviation ferrying regiment, who is stationed at Nome, Alaska; Mr. Wallace; Colonel Russell Keiller, commanding officer of Ladd Field
to Russia through the Alaskan wing of the Air Transport Command. Left to right: Colonel N.S. Vasin... of the Air Transport Command. Left to right: Colonel N.S. Vasin, commanding officer of the Russian...d Field with Russia and American airmen who fly lend-lease planes to Russia through the Alaskan win...g of the Air Transport Command. Left to right: Colonel N.S. Vasin, commanding officer of the Rus... of the Air Transport Command. Left to right: Colonel N.S. Vasin, commanding officer of the Russian...d Field with Russia and American airmen who fly lend-lease planes to Russia through the Alaskan win...g of the Air Transport Command. Left to right: Colonel N.S. Vasin, commanding officer of the Rus
A claim to the invention of the tube sight, for giving greater effect to the fire of artillery, more particularly at sea, as submitted to the right hon. The lord comissioners of the admiralty, on the 4th octomber, 1813, with further illustrations and comparative remarks on the tude sight, as latery recommended by major-general sir William Congreve, in his book the 4th february, 1818, and tried on board his majesty's ship Liffey
effect to the fire of artillery, more particularly at sea, as submitted to the right hon. The lord..., more particularly at sea, as submitted to the right hon. The lord comissioners of the admiralty...e particularly at sea, as submitted to the right hon. The lord comissioners of the admiralty, on the..., more particularly at sea, as submitted to the right hon. The lord comissioners of the admiralty...e particularly at sea, as submitted to the right hon. The lord comissioners of the admiralty, on the
Ladd Field, Alaska. Russians as well as Americans like the brown-trimmed white "Gaffney jacket" designed by Brigadier General Dale Gaffney, commanding general of the Air Transport Command''s Alaskan wing when he was organinzing the gold weather test detachment, long before Pearl Harbor. Left to right, Lieutenants Susin and Karpov of the Russian force and Sergeant Alex Homonchuk of New Jersey, Alaskan wing interpreter
to right, Lieutenants Susin and Karpov of the Russian force and Sergeant Alex Homonchuk of New Jersey... to right, Lieutenants Susin and Karpov of the Russian force and Sergeant Alex Homonchuk of New Jersey, Alaskan wing interpreter...Ladd Field, Alaska. Russians as well as Americans like the brown-trimmed white "Gaffney jacket" des...skan wing when he was organinzing the gold weather test detachment, long before Pearl Harbor. Left to right... to right, Lieutenants Susin and Karpov of the Russian force and Sergeant Alex Homonchuk of New Jersey, Alaskan wing interpreter...Ladd Field, Alaska. Russians as well as Americans like the brown-trimmed white "Gaffney jacket" des...skan wing when he was organinzing the gold weather test detachment, long before Pearl Harbor. Left to right