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Vpadenie r. Kostromy v Volgu
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944).
Vpadenie r. Kostromy v Volgu.
Vpadenie r. Kostromy v Volgu graphic Confluence of the Kostroma River with the Volga eng Впадение р. Костромы в Волгу rus...Confluence of the Kostroma River with the Volga
Voyages and travels in various parts of the world during the years 1803, 1804, 1805, 1805, and 1807. T. I-II. – T. 2.
Voyages and travels in various parts of the world during the years 1803, 1804, 1805, 1805, and 1807. T. I-II. – T. 2.1814.
Voyages and travels in various parts of the world during the years 1803, 1804, 1805, 1805, and 1807. T. I-II. – T. 2. Langsdorff, G.H. von....Voyages and travels in various parts of the world during the years 1803, 1804, 1805, 1805, and 1807. T. I-II. – T. 2.
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Vid na s. Ves''kovo i na ozero iz besiedki u pamiatnika Petru I. Bliz Pereiaslavlia-Zaliesskago
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944).
Vid na s. Ves'kovo i na ozero iz besiedki u pamiatnika Petru I. Bliz Pereiaslavlia-Zaliesskago.
phic View of the village of Veskovo and the lake, from the summer house near the monument to Pet...er the Great. Near Pereiaslavl-Zalesskii eng Вид на с. Веськово и на озеро из беседки у памятника Петру I. Близ Переяславля-Залесского rus...View of the village of Veskovo and the lake, from the summer house near the monument to Peter the Great. Near Pereiaslavl-Zalesskii
Travels through the Southern provinces of the Russian Empire, in the years 1793 and 1794. Vol. 1
Pallas. Peter Simon. естествоиспытатель. 1741-1811. Travels through the Southern provinces of the Russian Empire, in the years 1793 and 1794. London: Printed for T. N. Longman and O. Rees; T. Cadell Jun. and W. Davies, Strand; and J. Murray and S. Highley, 1802-1803.
Vol. 1. 1802.
Vol. 1 with many coloured vignettes, plates, and maps Travels through the Southern provinces of the... Russian Empire, in the years 1793 and 1794 in 2 volumes Translated from the German of P.S. Pal...las, Сounsellor of State to His Imperial Majesty of All the Russias, knight, & c....Travels through the Southern provinces of the Russian Empire, in the years 1793 and 1794...Translated from the German of P.S. Pallas, Сounsellor of State to His Imperial Majesty of All the Russias, knight, & c.
View of the Russian empire during the reign of Catharina the Second, and to the close of the present century. Vol. 3
Tooke. William. 1744-1820. View of the Russian empire during the reign of Catharina the Second, and to the close of the present century. London: Printed for T. N. Longman and O. Rees, and J. Debrett, 1799.
Vol. 3. 1799.
Vol. 3 View of the Russian empire during the reign of Catharina the Second, and to the close of the... present century in 3 volumes by William Tooke, F. R. S., member of the Imperial Academy of Sci...ences and of the Free Economical Society at St. Petersburg Обозрение Российской Империи в цар...View of the Russian empire during the reign of Catharina the Second, and to the close of the present century...by William Tooke, F. R. S., member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences and of the Free Economical Society at St. Petersburg
State of the prisons in England, Scotland, and Wales, extending to various places therein assigned, not for the debtor only, but for felons also, and other less criminal offenders
Neild, James. State of the prisons in England, Scotland, and Wales, extending to various places therein assigned, not for the debtor only, but for felons also, and other less criminal offenders. London : Printed by John Nichols and son, 1812.
State of the prisons in England, Scotland, and Wales, extending to various places therein ass...igned, not for the debtor only, but for felons also, and other less criminal offenders Together with som...e useful documents, observations, and remarks, adapted to explain and improve the condition of pri...soners in general By James Neild, esq. treasurer of the society for the discharge and relief of per...sons imprisoned for small debts; one of his majesty's acting justices of the peace for the cou...State of the prisons in England, Scotland, and Wales, extending to various places therein ass...igned, not for the debtor only, but for felons also, and other less criminal offenders...Together with some useful documents, observations, and remarks, adapted to explain and improve the condition of prisoners in general...By James Neild, esq. treasurer of the society for the discharge and relief of persons imp...risoned for small debts; one of his majesty's acting justices of the peace for the counties of Buckingham, Ken
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Pantopoda Арктических морей СССР
Pantopoda Арктических морей СССР. Ленинград : Изд-во Главсевморпути, 1935.
Pantopoda Арктических морей СССР Pantopoda of the Polar seas within USSR Под ред. проф. К.М. Дер...югина eng Материалы по изучению Арктики Materials for the study of the Arctic Главсевморпуть СНК СССР. Всесоюз. аркт. ин-т № 4...Pantopoda of the Polar seas within USSR...Materials for the study of the Arctic
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The cabinet cyclopaedia. Natural Philosophy. [Vol. 1-133]. Hydrostatics and pneumatics
Lardner. Dionysius. The cabinet cyclopaedia. London: [Б. и., 1829-1846].
Lardner, Dionysius. [Vol. 1-133]: Hydrostatics and pneumatics. 1831.
Hydrostatics and pneumatics By the Rev. Dionysius Lardner The cabinet cyclopaedia Conducted by the...By the Rev. Dionysius Lardner...The cabinet cyclopaedia...Conducted by the Rev. Dionysius Lardner, LL. D. F.R.S. L. & E. M.R.I.A. F.R.Ast
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A walk in and about the city of Canterbury
Gostling, W.A walk in and about the city of Canterbury. Canterbury : Printed by James Simmons, 1804.
A walk in and about the city of Canterbury With many observations, not hitherto described in any... other publication By W. Gostling, m. a. a native of the place, and minor canon of the Cathedral...A walk in and about the city of Canterbury...By W. Gostling, m. a. a native of the place, and minor canon of the Cathedral
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Extract of a Letter from the Chevalier Dillon, to an instuential charachter here, on the advantages to be derived from the estabishment of well conducted Commercial Settlements in New Zealand. Dated London, May Ist, 1832
Extract of a Letter from the Chevalier Dillon, to an instuential charachter here, on the advantages to be derived from the estabishment of well conducted Commercial Settlements in New Zealand. Dated London, May Ist, 1832. [London : Б. и., 1832].
Extract of a Letter from the Chevalier Dillon, to an instuential charachter here, on the adv...antages to be derived from the estabishment of well conducted Commercial Settlements in New Zealand. Dated London, May Ist, 1832...Extract of a Letter from the Chevalier Dillon, to an instuential charachter here, on the adv...antages to be derived from the estabishment of well conducted Commercial Settlements in New Zealand. Dated London, May Ist, 1832
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Grobnitsa po toi zhe storonie v prokhodie mertvykh. Samarkand
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944).
Grobnitsa po toi zhe storonie v prokhodie mertvykh. Samarkand.
[between 1905 and 1915].
Grobnitsa po toi zhe storonie v prokhodie mertvykh. Samarkand graphic Tomb on the same side in the... Passage of the Dead. Samarkand eng Гробница по той же стороне в проходе мертвых. Самарканд rus...Tomb on the same side in the Passage of the Dead. Samarkand
To zhe po drugomu beregu rieki Ai. Zlatoustovskii zavod
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944). To zhe po drugomu beregu rieki Ai. Zlatoustovskii zavod. [1910].
To zhe po drugomu beregu rieki Ai. Zlatoustovskii zavod graphic Same [taken from the dam] on the... other bank of the Ai River. Zlatoust plant eng То же по берегу реки Я. Златоустовский завод rus...Same [taken from the dam] on the other bank of the Ai River. Zlatoust plant
Documents relating to the construction of uniform standards of weights and measures for the United States, from 1832 to 1835
Documents relating to the construction of uniform standards of weights and measures for the United States, from 1832 to 1835. New York : Printed by John Windt, 1836.
Documents relating to the construction of uniform standards of weights and measures for the Uni...ted States, from 1832 to 1835 Published by F.R. Hassler, superintendent of the Work...Documents relating to the construction of uniform standards of weights and measures for the United States, from 1832 to 1835...Published by F.R. Hassler, superintendent of the Work
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Ikonostas tserkvi Ioanna Bogoslova. Rostov Velikii
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944).
Ikonostas tserkvi Ioanna Bogoslova. Rostov Velikii.
Ikonostas tserkvi Ioanna Bogoslova. Rostov Velikii graphic Iconostasis in the Church of John the... Theologian. Rostov Velikii eng Иконостас церкви Иоанна Богослова. Ростов Великий rus...Iconostasis in the Church of John the Theologian. Rostov Velikii
Freska na lievoi stienie v tserkvi Ioanna Predtechi. IAroslavl''
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944).
Freska na lievoi stienie v tserkvi Ioanna Predtechi. IAroslavl'.
Freska na lievoi stienie v tserkvi Ioanna Predtechi. IAroslavl'' graphic Fresco on the left wal...l in the Church of Saint John the Precursor. Yaroslavl eng Фреска на левой стене в церкви Иоанна Предтечи. Ярославль rus...Fresco on the left wall in the Church of Saint John the Precursor. Yaroslavl
Материалы по изучению Арктики. № 5. Тактика и техника советского судового зверобойного промысла в Арктике
Материалы по изучению Арктики. Ленинград: [Б. и.], 1931-1935.
Чапский, К.К.№ 5: Тактика и техника советского судового зверобойного промысла в Арктике. 1934.
Тактика и техника советского судового зверобойного промысла в Арктике Tactics and technics of the... hunting from vessels in the Arctic regions of USSR (Промысел моржа, морского зайца и белого мед...ведя в Карском море) eng Материалы по изучению Арктики Всесоюз. Арктич. ин-т № 5 Materials for the study of the Arctic...Tactics and technics of the hunting from vessels in the Arctic regions of USSR...Materials for the study of the Arctic
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Nautical memoirs. [T. 2 (7)]. Memoir of a chart of the Indian Ocean exhibiting the coasts, islands, rock and shoals from Madagascar, to India, Sumatra and Java, composed from various materials
Nautical memoirs.
[T. 2 (7)]: Memoir of a chart of the Indian Ocean exhibiting the coasts, islands, rock and shoals from Madagascar, to India, Sumatra and Java, composed from various materials. 1787.
Memoir of a chart of the Indian Ocean exhibiting the coasts, islands, rock and shoals from Mad...agascar, to India, Sumatra and Java, composed from various materials Published at the charge of the Eas...Memoir of a chart of the Indian Ocean exhibiting the coasts, islands, rock and shoals from Mad...Published at the charge of the East India company, by Dalrymple. 1787
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Architecture of the Leningrad metro [Комплект открыток]
Architecture of the Leningrad metro [Комплект открыток]. 1986.
Architecture of the Leningrad metro [Комплект открыток]...Architecture of the Leningrad metro [Комплект открыток]
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Pictures of life and character. Series 4
Leech. John. Pictures of life and character. London: [Б. и., 1862-1869].
Series 4. 1864.
Series 4 Pictures of life and character From the Collection of Mr. Punch By John Leech...From the Collection of Mr. Punch
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Prospectus, &c. of the Royal geographical society of London
Prospectus, &c. of the Royal geographical society of London. London : Printed by William Clowes, [19--].
Prospectus, &c. of the Royal geographical society of London...Prospectus, &c. of the Royal geographical society of London
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St. Petersburg. The navy Nikolsky Cathedral
St. Petersburg. The navy Nikolsky Cathedral. 1992.
St. Petersburg. The navy Nikolsky Cathedral худ. И.А.Иванов...St. Petersburg. The navy Nikolsky Cathedral
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Vaslav Nijinsky as the golden slave in Scheherazade,1910
Vaslav Nijinsky as the golden slave in Scheherazade,1910.
Vaslav Nijinsky as the golden slave in Scheherazade,1910 phot.E.O. Hoppe...Vaslav Nijinsky as the golden slave in Scheherazade,1910
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The Silver Negro, in Sheherazade – 1910. Music by Nikolai Rimski - Korsakov
The Silver Negro, in Sheherazade – 1910. Music by Nikolai Rimski - Korsakov.
The Silver Negro, in Sheherazade – 1910. Music by Nikolai Rimski - Korsakov...The Silver Negro, in Sheherazade – 1910. Music by Nikolai Rimski - Korsakov
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Nautical memoirs. [T. 2 (4)]. An account of the navigation between India and the Gulph of Persia, at all seasons, with nautical instructions for that Gulph, by lieutenant John Mc Cluer
Nautical memoirs.
Cluer, John Mc. [T. 2 (4)]: An account of the navigation between India and the Gulph of Persia, at all seasons, with nautical instructions for that Gulph, by lieutenant John Mc Cluer. 1786.
An account of the navigation between India and the Gulph of Persia, at all seasons, with nau...tical instructions for that Gulph, by lieutenant John Mc Cluer Published at the charge of the East India company, by Dalrymple Nautical memoirs [T. 2 (4)]...An account of the navigation between India and the Gulph of Persia, at all seasons, with nau...Published at the charge of the East India company, by Dalrymple
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Freski v okonnykh nishakh i kopiia ikony Sv. Nikolaia Chudotvortsa v khramie. [Nyrob]
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944).
Freski v okonnykh nishakh i kopiia ikony Sv. Nikolaia Chudotvortsa v khramie. [Nyrob].
scoes in the window niches and a copy of the icon of Saint Nicholas the Wonder Worker in the chu...Frescoes in the window niches and a copy of the icon of Saint Nicholas the Wonder Worker in the church. [Nyrob]