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Возможно, вы имели ввиду: planing and organinzing the postwar air force 1943 1947
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Teheran, Iran, Dec. 1943 -- Front row: Marshal Stalin, President Roosevelt, Prime Minister Churchill on the portico of the Russian Embassy - Back row: General H.H. Arnold, Chief of the U.S. Army Air Force; unidentified British officer; Admiral Cunningham; Admiral William Leahy, Chief of staff to President Roosevelt, during the Teheran Conference
Teheran, Iran, Dec. 1943 -- Front row: Marshal Stalin, President Roosevelt, Prime Minister Churchill on the portico of the Russian Embassy - Back row: General H.H. Arnold, Chief of the U.S. Army Air Force; unidentified British officer; Admiral Cunningham; Admiral William Leahy, Chief of staff to President Roosevelt, during the Teheran Conference. 1943 Dec.
of the Russian Embassy - Back row: General H.H. Arnold, Chief of the U.S. Army Air Force; unidentified...
Тегеран, Иран, Дек. 1943 На переднем плане Маршал Сталин, президент Рузвельт, премьер-министр.... 1943 -- Front row: Marshal Stalin, President Roosevelt, Prime Minister Churchill on the portico..., during the Teheran Conference [graphic]. - 1943 Dec. - 1 фотография
1. Сталин, Иосиф.... Черчиль, Уинстон (1871 - 1947) -- фотографии. 4. Churchill, Winston (1874-1965). 5. Stalin, Joseph (1879...Teheran, Iran, Dec. 1943 -- Front row: Marshal Stalin, President Roosevelt, Prime Minister... Churchill on the portico of the Russian Embassy - Back row: General H.H. Arnold, Chief of the U.S. Army Air... Force; unidentified British officer; Admiral Cunningham; Admiral William Leahy, Chief of staff to President Roosevelt, during the Teheran Conference... Force; unidentified British officer; Admiral Cunningham; Admiral William Leahy, Chief of sta...ff to President Roosevelt, during the Teheran Conference graphic Тегеран, Иран, Дек. 1943 На переднем пла...Teheran, Iran, Dec. 1943 -- Front row: Marshal Stalin, President Roosevelt, Prime Minister Chu...rchill on the portico of the Russian Embassy - Back row: General H.H. Arnold, Chief of the U.S. Army Air...Teheran, Iran, Dec. 1943 -- Front row: Marshal Stalin, President Roosevelt, Prime Minister... Churchill on the portico of the Russian Embassy - Back row: General H.H. Arnold, Chief of the U.S. Army Air... Force; unidentified British officer; Admiral Cunningham; Admiral William Leahy, Chief of staff to President Roosevelt, during the Teheran Conference...Тегеран, Иран, Дек. 1943 На переднем плане Маршал Сталин, президент Рузвельт, премьер-министр... Force; unidentified British officer; Admiral Cunningham; Admiral William Leahy, Chief of staff to President Roosevelt, during the Teheran Conference...Teheran, Iran, Dec. 1943 -- Front row: Marshal Stalin, President Roosevelt, Prime Minister Chu...rchill on the portico of the Russian Embassy - Back row: General H.H. Arnold, Chief of the U.S. Army Air...Тегеран, Иран, Дек. 1943 На переднем плане Маршал Сталин, президент Рузвельт, премьер-министр Чер
Встреча советской правительственной делегации во главе с В.М. Молотовым на аэродроме Тилинг (Северная Шотландия). Фотография. Фото Royal Air Force official. [20 мая 1942 г.]
Встреча советской правительственной делегации во главе с В.М. Молотовым на аэродроме Тилинг (Северная Шотландия). Фотография. Фото Royal Air Force official. [20 мая 1942 г.]. 1942.
на аэродроме Тилинг (Северная Шотландия). Фотография. Фото Royal Air Force official. [20 мая 1942 г... (Северная Шотландия). Фотография. Фото Royal Air Force official. [20 мая 1942 г.]...ерная Шотландия). Фотография. Фото Royal Air Force official. [20 мая 1942 г.]... (Северная Шотландия). Фотография. Фото Royal Air Force official. [20 мая 1942 г.]...ерная Шотландия). Фотография. Фото Royal Air Force official. [20 мая 1942 г.]
Fairbanks, Alaska. Vice President Henry A. Wallace, returning from China and Siberia, dining at Ladd Field with Russia and American airmen who fly lend-lease planes to Russia through the Alaskan wing of the Air Transport Command. Left to right: Colonel N.S. Vasin, commanding officer of the Russian Air Force''s first aviation ferrying regiment, who is stationed at Nome, Alaska; Mr. Wallace; Colonel Russell Keiller, commanding officer of Ladd Field
Farm Security Administration - Office of War Information Photograph Collection (Library of Congress). Fairbanks, Alaska. Vice President Henry A. Wallace, returning from China and Siberia, dining at Ladd Field with Russia and American airmen who fly lend-lease planes to Russia through the Alaskan wing of the Air Transport Command. Left to right: Colonel N.S. Vasin, commanding officer of the Russian Air Force's first aviation ferrying regiment, who is stationed at Nome, Alaska; Mr....
, commanding officer of the Russian Air Force's first aviation ferrying regiment, who is stationed... print. - Image source: U.S. Army Air Forces.
1. Уоллес, Генри Эгард (1888 - 1965) -- Фотографии. 2... to Russia through the Alaskan wing of the Air Transport Command. Left to right: Colonel N.S. Vasin... Air Force''s first aviation ferrying regiment, who is stationed at Nome, Alaska; Mr. Wallace... of the Air Transport Command. Left to right: Colonel N.S. Vasin, commanding officer of the Russian...d Field with Russia and American airmen who fly lend-lease planes to Russia through the Alaskan win...sian Air Force''s first aviation ferrying regiment, who is stationed at Nome, Alaska; Mr. Wallace; Col...g of the Air Transport Command. Left to right: Colonel N.S. Vasin, commanding officer of the Rus...Fairbanks, Alaska. Vice President Henry A. Wallace, returning from China and Siberia, dining at Lad... Air Force''s first aviation ferrying regiment, who is stationed at Nome, Alaska; Mr. Wallace... of the Air Transport Command. Left to right: Colonel N.S. Vasin, commanding officer of the Russian...d Field with Russia and American airmen who fly lend-lease planes to Russia through the Alaskan win...sian Air Force''s first aviation ferrying regiment, who is stationed at Nome, Alaska; Mr. Wallace; Colonel Russell Keiller, commanding officer of Ladd Field...g of the Air Transport Command. Left to right: Colonel N.S. Vasin, commanding officer of the Rus...Fairbanks, Alaska. Vice President Henry A. Wallace, returning from China and Siberia, dining at Lad
За большевистские темпы. 1943, № 56 (1947) (5 авг.)
За большевистские темпы. 1943, № 56 (1947) (5 авг.).
Чернь, 1932-.
трудящихся Тульской обл.
. - Чернь , 1932-
1943, № 56 (1947) (5 авг.). - 2 с.
1...За большевистские темпы. 1943, № 56 (1947) (5 авг.)...1943, № 56 (1947) (5 авг.) За большевистские темпы орган Чернского РК ВКП(б) и райсовета депутатов трудящихся Тульской обл....1943, № 56 (1947) (5 авг.)...1943, № 56 (1947) (5 авг.)
Ladd Field, Alaska. Russians as well as Americans like the brown-trimmed white "Gaffney jacket" designed by Brigadier General Dale Gaffney, commanding general of the Air Transport Command''s Alaskan wing when he was organinzing the gold weather test detachment, long before Pearl Harbor. Left to right, Lieutenants Susin and Karpov of the Russian force and Sergeant Alex Homonchuk of New Jersey, Alaskan wing interpreter
Коллекция: Ladd Field, Alaska. Russians as well as Americans like the brown-trimmed white "Gaffney jacket" designed by Brigadier General Dale Gaffney, commanding general of the Air Transport Command''s Alaskan wing when he was organinzing the gold weather test detachment, long before Pearl Harbor. Left to right, Lieutenants Susin and Karpov of the Russian force and Sergeant Alex Homonchuk of New Jersey, Alaskan wing interpreter(1943 or 1944?)
" designed by Brigadier General Dale Gaffney, commanding general of the Air Transport Command''s... to right, Lieutenants Susin and Karpov of the Russian force and Sergeant Alex Homonchuk of New Jersey..., Alaskan wing interpreter
1943 or 1944?
Ресурсы коллекции
..." designed by Brigadier General Dale Gaffney, commanding general of the Air Transport Command''s Alaskan... to right, Lieutenants Susin and Karpov of the Russian force and Sergeant Alex Homonchuk of New Jersey, Alaskan wing interpreter...skan wing when he was organinzing the gold weather test detachment, long before Pearl Harbor. Left to rig...ht, Lieutenants Susin and Karpov of the Russian force and Sergeant Alex Homonchuk of New Jersey, Ala...igned by Brigadier General Dale Gaffney, commanding general of the Air Transport Command''s Ala...Ladd Field, Alaska. Russians as well as Americans like the brown-trimmed white "Gaffney jacket" des..." designed by Brigadier General Dale Gaffney, commanding general of the Air Transport Command''s Alaskan... to right, Lieutenants Susin and Karpov of the Russian force and Sergeant Alex Homonchuk of New Jersey, Alaskan wing interpreter...skan wing when he was organinzing the gold weather test detachment, long before Pearl Harbor. Left to rig...ht, Lieutenants Susin and Karpov of the Russian force and Sergeant Alex Homonchuk of New Jersey, Alaskan wing interpreter...igned by Brigadier General Dale Gaffney, commanding general of the Air Transport Command''s Ala...Ladd Field, Alaska. Russians as well as Americans like the brown-trimmed white "Gaffney jacket" des
Кандалакшский коммунист. Г. 13. 1943. № 102 (1947). 3 сентября
Кандалакшский коммунист.
Г. 13. 1943. № 102 (1947). 3 сентября. 1943.
оригинала: Мурманская ГОУНБ
Г. 13. 1943. № 102 (1947). 3 сентября : Орган Кандалакшского.... - Кандалакшский коммунист, 1943. -2 с.. -Пятница.
1. Народ, Территория (коллекция).
Источник...Кандалакшский коммунист. Г. 13. 1943. № 102 (1947). 3 сентября...Г. 13. 1943. № 102 (1947). 3 сентября Орган Кандалакшского городского и районного комитетов ВКП...Г. 13. 1943. № 102 (1947). 3 сентября...Г. 13. 1943. № 102 (1947). 3 сентября
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Советско-американские экономические отношения в 1943-1947 гг. и возникновение холодной войны
Минкова, Кристина Владимировна. Советско-американские экономические отношения в 1943-1947 гг. и возникновение холодной войны. СПб, 2022.
в 1943-1947 гг. и возникновение холодной войны : автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой степени...Советско-американские экономические отношения в 1943-1947 гг. и возникновение холодной войны...Советско-американские экономические отношения в 1943-1947 гг. и возникновение холодной войны авт...Советско-американские экономические отношения в 1943-1947 гг. и возникновение холодной войны...Советско-американские экономические отношения в 1943-1947 гг. и возникновение холодной войны
Explication du Plan de St. Pétersbourg
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Экспликация плана Санкт-Петербурга
Explication du Plan de St. Pétersbourg. - St... заглавие: Explication du Plan de Saint-Petersbourg.
1. Воронцов, Михаил Семенович (1782 - 1856...Explication du Plan de St. Pétersbourg...Explication du Plan de St. Pétersbourg Explication du Plan de Saint-Petersbourg Экспликация плана Санкт-Петербурга...Explication du Plan de St. Pétersbourg...Explication du Plan de Saint-Petersbourg...Explication du Plan de St. Pétersbourg...Explication du Plan de Saint-Petersbourg