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Детское Село. Александровский парк. Китайский театр (1777-1778). Архит. Неелов
Детское Село. Александровский парк. Китайский театр (1777-1778). Архит. Неелов.
[Изоматериал : электронный ресурс] = Detskoe Selo. Alexander park. Chinese Theatre (1777-1778... театр (1777-1778). Архит. Неелов [Изоматериал] = Detskoe Selo. Alexander park. Chinese Theatre...ктронный ресурс Detskoe Selo. Alexander park. Chinese Theatre (1777-1778). Architect Neioloff [открытка] eng Изоматериал...Detskoe Selo. Alexander park. Chinese Theatre (1777-1778). Architect Neioloff...Detskoe Selo. Alexander park. Chinese Theatre (1777-1778). Architect Neioloff
Петродворец. Парк
Петродворец. Парк.
Петродворец. Парк [Изоматериал : электронный ресурс] = The Park... языках.Электронная репродукция комплекта открыток: Петродворец. Парк [Изоматериал] = The Park...Петродворец. Парк Изоматериал : электронный ресурс The Park at Petrodvorets [комплект открыток] фото М. Величко оформление Л. Яценко eng Изоматериал...The Park at Petrodvorets...The Park at Petrodvorets
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Memoir, descriptive and explanatory, to accompany the new chart of the Atlantic ocean; and comprising instructions, general and particular, for the navigation of that sea
Purdy, John. Memoir, descriptive and explanatory, to accompany the new chart of the Atlantic ocean; and comprising instructions, general and particular, for the navigation of that sea. London : Printed for R.H. Laurie, chart-seller to the Admiralty, the Right Hon. corporation of Trinity-House, &c., 1835.
, capt. Ab. Bristow, capt. James Wallace Monteath, J. Sttele Park, and T. Wilson; other commanders..... VI. Park, J. Sttele. VII. Rennell. VIII. Flinders, M.. IX. Lisiansky. X. Krusenstern. XI. Humboldt...Park J.S. J. Sttele...Park J. Sttele...lace Monteath, J. Sttele Park, and T. Wilson; other commanders in the merchant-service, lie...prising instructions, general and particular, for the navigation of that sea Also, 1. Tables of the det..., by capt. And. Livingston, capt. Ab. Bristow, capt. James Wallace Monteath, J. Sttele Park, and T...prising instructions, general and particular, for the navigation of that sea...munications, by capt. And. Livingston, capt. Ab. Bristow, capt. James Wallace Monteath, J. Sttele Park, and
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Кострома. Парк культуры и отдыха им. 50-летия Советской власти
Кострома. Парк культуры и отдыха им. 50-летия Советской власти.
[Изоматериал : электронный ресурс] = Kostroma. Park of culture and recreation named after fifty years...: Кострома. Парк культуры и отдыха им. 50-летия Советской власти [Изоматериал] = Kostroma. Park...troma. Park of culture and recreation named after fifty years of the Soviet power [открытка] фото Е. Рябова, Н. Дейкина eng Изоматериал...Kostroma. Park of culture and recreation named after fifty years of the Soviet power...Kostroma. Park of culture and recreation named after fifty years of the Soviet power
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Детское Село. Екатерининский парк. Камеронова галерея (1784-1785). Архит. Ч. Камерон
Детское Село. Екатерининский парк. Камеронова галерея (1784-1785). Архит. Ч. Камерон.
. Камерон [Изоматериал : электронный ресурс] = Detskoe Selo. Catherinr park. The Gallery of Cameron.... Камеронова галерея (1784-1785). Архит. Ч. Камерон [Изоматериал] = Detskoe Selo. Catherinr park. The...материал : электронный ресурс Detskoe Selo. Catherinr park. The Gallery of Cameron (1784-1785). Architect Cam...Detskoe Selo. Catherinr park. The Gallery of Cameron (1784-1785). Architect Cameron...Detskoe Selo. Catherinr park. The Gallery of Cameron (1784-1785). Architect Cameron
Черноморское побережье Кавказа. Адлер. В парке совхоза «Южные культуры»
Черноморское побережье Кавказа. Адлер. В парке совхоза «Южные культуры».
» [Изоматериал : электронный ресурс] = The Balck Sea Coast of the Caucasus. In the park of the Southern... Balck Sea Coast of the Caucasus. In the park of the Southern Crops State Farm. Adler / цветное фото М...ктронный ресурс The Balck Sea Coast of the Caucasus. In the park of the Southern Crops State Farm. Adler [открытка] цветное фото М. Трахмана eng Изоматериал...The Balck Sea Coast of the Caucasus. In the park of the Southern Crops State Farm. Adler...The Balck Sea Coast of the Caucasus. In the park of the Southern Crops State Farm. Adler
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Armianki v prazdnichnom nariadie. [Artvinie]
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944).
Armianki v prazdnichnom nariadie. [Artvinie].
[between 1905 and 1915].
. Parks. 4. Women -- Clothing & dress. 5. Армяне -- Этнография -- нач. 20 в. -- Фотографии. 6. Артвин
General introduction to the charts and memoirs
General introduction to the charts and memoirs. London : Printed by George Bigg, 1786.
Parker H. Hyde...Parker Hyde...cription of the Babuyanes Islands Translated from the spanish MS, by the late Sir Hyde Parker, Bar... West Coast of Palawan or Paragua Containing The Journal of the Schooner Cuddalore, december 176...ginally publifhed in 1771 Memoir of a Chart of the China Sea Memoir of the Chart of Part of the Coa...Memoir of the Chart of the West Coast of Palawan or Paragua...Translated from the spanish MS, by the late Sir Hyde Parker, Bar....Memoir of the Chart of Part of the Coast of China, and The Adjacent Islands near the Entrance of Canton River
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THE SCHOOL OF AMERICAN BALLET. Advanced Men's Class Rosalie O'Connor...Rosalie O'Connor
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Entretiens sur la physique. T. 1
Parrot. G.F.Entretiens sur la physique. Dorpat: [Б. и., 1819-1824].
T. 1. [1819-1824].
Parrot G.F....Parrot G.F....T. 1 Avec 2 planches en taille douce Entretiens sur la physique Par G.F. Parrot, professeur de phy...Par G.F. Parrot, professeur de physique a Dorpat, membre du comite des ecoles, chevalier et conseiller d'etat...
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Entretiens sur la physique. T. 2
Parrot. G.F.Entretiens sur la physique. Dorpat: [Б. и., 1819-1824].
T. 2. 1819.
Parrot G.F....Parrot G.F....T. 2 Avec 3 planches Entretiens sur la physique Par G.F. Parrot, professeur de physique a Dor...Par G.F. Parrot, professeur de physique a Dorpat, membre du comite des ecoles, chevalier et conseiller d'etat...
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Abrege de navigation, historique, théorique et pratique… / J. Lalande
Abrege de navigation, historique, théorique et pratique… / J. Lalande. 1793.
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Essai sur l’histoire generale des mathematiques. Т. 1.
Essai sur l’histoire generale des mathematiques. Т. 1.1802.
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Les chef-d`oevres dramatique. T. 1
Les chef-d`oevres dramatique. T. 1. 1779.
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A voyage of discovery, made under the orders of the Admiralty, in His Majesty's ships Isabella and Alexander, for the purpose of exploring Baffin's Bay, and enquiring into the probability of a north-west passage. Vol. 2
Ross. John. A voyage of discovery, made under the orders of the Admiralty, in His Majesty's ships Isabella and Alexander, for the purpose of exploring Baffin's Bay, and enquiring into the probability of a north-west passage. London: [Б. и.], 1819.
Vol. 2. 1819.
Ross J. John...Ross John...bability of a north-west passage In two volumes By John Ross, k. s. captain royal Navy...By John Ross, k. s. captain royal Navy
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THE SCHOOL OF AMERICAN BALLET. Advanced Girls Variation Class
THE SCHOOL OF AMERICAN BALLET. Advanced Girls Variation Class.
THE SCHOOL OF AMERICAN BALLET. Advanced Girls Variation Class Rosalie O`Connor...Rosalie O`Connor
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Voyage autour du monde pendant les annees 1790, 1791, еt 1792, рar Etienne Marchand… T.1-4. Т. 1.
Voyage autour du monde pendant les annees 1790, 1791, еt 1792, рar Etienne Marchand… T.1-4. Т. 1.1798.
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Entretiens sur la physique. T. 5
Parrot. G.F.Entretiens sur la physique. Dorpat: [Б. и., 1819-1824].
T. 5. 1822.
Parrot G.F....Parrot G.F....T. 5 Avec 3 planches Entretiens sur la physique Par G.F. Parrot, professeur de physique a Dor...Par G.F. Parrot, professeur de physique a Dorpat, membre du comite des ecoles, chevalier et conseiller d'etat...
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Entretiens sur la physique. T. 1
Parrot. G.F.Entretiens sur la physique. Dorpat: [Б. и., 1819-1824].
T. 1. 1819.
Parrot G.F....Parrot G.F....T. 1 Avec 2 planches Entretiens sur la physique Par G.F. Parrot, professeur de physique a Dor...Par G.F. Parrot, professeur de physique a Dorpat, membre du comite des ecoles, chevalier et conseiller d'etat...
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Entretiens sur la physique. T. 3
Parrot. G.F.Entretiens sur la physique. Dorpat: [Б. и., 1819-1824].
T. 3. 1820.
Parrot G.F....Parrot G.F....T. 3 Avec 4 planches Entretiens sur la physique Par G.F. Parrot, professeur de physique a Dor...Par G.F. Parrot, professeur de physique a Dorpat, membre du comite des ecoles, chevalier et conseiller d'etat...
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Entretiens sur la physique. T. 2
Parrot. G.F.Entretiens sur la physique. Dorpat: [Б. и., 1819-1824].
T. 2. [1820].
Parrot G.F....Parrot G.F....T. 2 Avec 3 planches Entretiens sur la physique Par G.F. Parrot, professeur de physique a Dor...Par G.F. Parrot, professeur de physique a Dorpat, membre du comite des ecoles, chevalier et conseiller d'etat...
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Иван Мозжухин. Iwan Mosjukin
Iwan Mosjukin.
Verlag "Ross"
Владимир Гайдаров. Wladimir Gaidarow
Wladimir Gaidarow.
Verlag "Ross"
Наталья Кованько. Nathalie Kowanko
Nathalie Kowanko.
Verlag "Ross"
Descripion et usage du cercle de réflexion, avec différentes méthodes pour calculer les observations nautiques
Descripion et usage du cercle de réflexion, avec différentes méthodes pour calculer les observations nautiques. 1802.
Paris: F.Didot
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