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The new sailing directory for the Bay of Biscay, from Ushant to cape Finisterre, and for the coasts of Spain and Portugal, thence to cape Trafalgar: describing, most particularly, all the harbours, channels, tides, currents, &c. &c.
Purdy, John. The new sailing directory for the Bay of Biscay, from Ushant to cape Finisterre, and for the coasts of Spain and Portugal, thence to cape Trafalgar: describing, most particularly, all the harbours, channels, tides, currents, &c. &c.London : Printed for R.H. Laurie, chart-seller to the Admiralty, the Right Hon. corporation of Trinity-House, &c., 1833.
Purdy, John
The new sailing directory for the Bay of Biscay, from Ushant to cape... John Purdy, hydrographer. - The second edition, materially improved; with the pharonology...The new sailing directory for the Bay of Biscay, from Ushant to cape Finisterre, and for the coasts...Printed for R.H. Laurie, chart-seller to the Admiralty, the Right Hon. corporation of Trinity-House, &c....The new sailing directory for the Bay of Biscay, from Ushant to cape Finisterre, and for the coa...sts of Spain and Portugal, thence to cape Trafalgar: describing, most particularly, all the har...bours, channels, tides, currents, &c. &c. Compiled and arranged from the valuable documents and sur...veys of the french marine and of don Vincente Tofino, of M. Beautemps Beaupre, of captain William Henry Smy...th, f.r.s. k.f.m., and other officers of the British navy, &c. By John Purdy, hydrographer...The new sailing directory for the Bay of Biscay, from Ushant to cape Finisterre, and for the coasts...The new sailing directory for the Bay of Biscay, from Ushant to cape Finisterre, and for the coa...sts of Spain and Portugal, thence to cape Trafalgar: describing, most particularly, all the harbours, channels, tides, currents, &c. &c....Compiled and arranged from the valuable documents and surveys of the french marine and of don Vin...cente Tofino, of M. Beautemps Beaupre, of captain William Henry Smyth, f.r.s. k.f.m., and other officers of the British navy, &c.
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The American coast pilot, containing the courses and distances between the principal harbours, capes, and headlands, from Passamaquoddy, through the Gulf of Florida; with directions for sailing into the same, describing the soundings, bearings of the light-houses and beacons from the rocks, shoals, ledges, &c.
Blunt, Edmund M.The American coast pilot, containing the courses and distances between the principal harbours, capes, and headlands, from Passamaquoddy, through the Gulf of Florida; with directions for sailing into the same, describing the soundings, bearings of the light-houses and beacons from the rocks, shoals, ledges, &c.New-York : Printed for Edmund M. Blunt, 1817.
Blunt, Edmund M.
The American coast pilot, containing the courses and distances...The American coast pilot, containing the courses and distances between the principal harbours...The American coast pilot, containing the courses and distances between the principal harbours, cap...es, and headlands, from Passamaquoddy, through the Gulf of Florida; with directions for sailing int...o the same, describing the soundings, bearings of the light-houses and beacons from the rocks, sho...als, ledges, &c. Together with the courses and distances from cape Cod and cape Ann to George's Ban...k, through the south and east channels, and the settings of the currents: with the latitudes and lon...The American coast pilot, containing the courses and distances between the principal harbours...The American coast pilot, containing the courses and distances between the principal harbours, cap...es, and headlands, from Passamaquoddy, through the Gulf of Florida; with directions for sailing int...o the same, describing the soundings, bearings of the light-houses and beacons from the rocks, shoals, ledges, &c....Together with the courses and distances from cape Cod and cape Ann to George's Bank, through the... south and east channels, and the settings of the currents: with the latitudes and longitudes of the
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Методы исторических занятий. The metods of historical study. Eight lectures read in the University of Oxford in Michaelmas term 1884 with the inaugural lecture on the office of the historical proffessor by Edward A. Freeman. (Методы исторических занятий. Восемь лекций, прочитанных в Оксфордском университете осенью 1884 г. с прибавлением вступительной лекции об обязанностях профессора истории, Эдуарда А. Фримана). London. 1886
Бестужев-Рюмин, Константин Николаевич (1829-1897). Методы исторических занятий. The metods of historical study. Eight lectures read in the University of Oxford in Michaelmas term 1884 with the inaugural lecture on the office of the historical proffessor by Edward A. Freeman. (Методы исторических занятий. Восемь лекций, прочитанных в Оксфордском университете осенью 1884 г. с прибавлением вступительной лекции об обязанностях профессора истории, Эдуарда А. Фримана). London. 1886. [Санкт-...
. The metods of historical study. Eight lectures read in the University of Oxford in Michaelmas term...Методы исторических занятий. The metods of historical study. Eight lectures read in the University...Методы исторических занятий. The metods of historical study. Eight lectures read in the Uni...versity of Oxford in Michaelmas term 1884 with the inaugural lecture on the office of the historical pro...арда А. Фримана). London. 1886 [К. Бестужев-Рюмин] The metods of the historycal study Методы ист...орических занятий Eight lectures read in the University of Oxford in Michaelmas term 1884 with the ina...ugural lecture on the office of the historical proffessor by Edward A. Freeman und Журнал Министерства народного просвещения 1887, февр....Методы исторических занятий. The metods of historical study. Eight lectures read in the University...The metods of the historycal study...Методы исторических занятий. The metods of historical study. Eight lectures read in the Uni...versity of Oxford in Michaelmas term 1884 with the inaugural lecture on the office of the historical pro...The metods of the historycal study...Eight lectures read in the University of Oxford in Michaelmas term 1884 with the inaugural lec...ture on the office of the historical proffessor by Edward A. Freeman
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Морозова Ирина Владимировна (1919-1982). Почтовая карточка матери Морозовой Агриппине Ивановне [и маленьким воспитанникам детских яслей № 1] в Киргизскую ССР , с. Кировское. Ленинград, 25 декабря 1942 г.: [ Поздравление с Новым 1943 годом] [The elopement: открытка.- London [Rainthal and Newman]
Морозова Ирина Владимировна (1919-1982). Почтовая карточка матери Морозовой Агриппине Ивановне [и маленьким воспитанникам детских яслей № 1] в Киргизскую ССР , с. Кировское. Ленинград, 25 декабря 1942 г.: [ Поздравление с Новым 1943 годом] [The elopement: открытка.- London [Rainthal and Newman]. 1942.
. Ленинград, 25 декабря 1942 г.: [ Поздравление с Новым 1943 годом] [The elopement: открытка.- London... декабря 1942 г.: [ Поздравление с Новым 1943 годом] [The elopement: открытка.- London [Rainthal and Newman]...абря 1942 г.: [ Поздравление с Новым 1943 годом] [The elopement: открытка.- London [Rainthal and Newman]... декабря 1942 г.: [ Поздравление с Новым 1943 годом] [The elopement: открытка.- London [Rainthal and Newman]...абря 1942 г.: [ Поздравление с Новым 1943 годом] [The elopement: открытка.- London [Rainthal and Newman]
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Исторические проблемы социально-политической безопасности российского Дальнего Востока (вторая половина XX - начало XXI в.) [Текст] = The Historical problems of socio-political security of the russian Far East (the second half of XX -the early XXI c.) : монография : в 2 кн. кн. 1: Дальневосточная политика : стратегии социально-политической безопасности и механизмы реализации
Исторические проблемы социально-политической безопасности российского Дальнего Востока (вторая половина XX - начало XXI в.) [Текст] = The Historical problems of socio-political security of the russian Far East (the second half of XX -the early XXI c.) : монография : в 2 кн. кн. 1: Дальневосточная политика : стратегии социально-политической безопасности и механизмы реализации. 2014.
Востока (вторая половина XX - начало XXI в.) [Текст] = The Historical problems of socio-political... половина XX - начало XXI в.) [Текст] = The Historical problems of socio-political security...овина XX - начало XXI в.) [Текст] = The Historical problems of socio-political security of the rus...sian Far East (the second half of XX -the early XXI c.) : монография : в 2 кн. кн. 1: Дал... половина XX - начало XXI в.) [Текст] = The Historical problems of socio-political security...овина XX - начало XXI в.) [Текст] = The Historical problems of socio-political security of the rus...sian Far East (the second half of XX -the early XXI c.) : монография : в 2 кн. кн. 1: Дал
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The Voyages and travells of the ambassadors sent by Frederick Duke of Holstein, to the Great Duke of Muscovy, and the King of Persia. Begun in the year M. DC. XXXIII. and finish'd in M. DC. XXXIX. Containing a compleat history of Muscovy, Tartary, Persia. And other adjacent countries. With several publick transactions reaching near the present times ; in VII. books. Whereto are added the Travels of John Albert de Mandelslo, (a gentleman belonging to the embassay) from Persia, into the East-Indies. Containing a particular description of Indosthan, the Mogul's empire, the oriental ilands, Japan, China, &c. and the revolutions which happened in those countries, within these few years. In III. books. The whole work illustrated with divers accurate mapps, and figures
Olearius, Adam (1603-1671). The Voyages and travells of the ambassadors sent by Frederick Duke of Holstein, to the Great Duke of Muscovy, and the King of Persia. Begun in the year M. DC. XXXIII. and finish'd in M. DC. XXXIX. Containing a compleat history of Muscovy, Tartary, Persia. And other adjacent countries. With several publick transactions reaching near the present times ; in VII. books. Whereto are added the Travels of John Albert de Mandelslo, (a gentleman belonging to the embassay)...
The Voyages and travells of the ambassadors sent by Frederick Duke... these few years. In III. books. The whole work illustrated with divers accurate mapps, and figures...The Voyages and travells of the ambassadors sent by Frederick Duke of Holstein, to the Great Duke.... books. The whole work illustrated with divers accurate mapps, and figures...Printed for John Starkey, and Thomas Basset, at the Mitre near Temple-Barr, and at the George near St. Dunstans Church in Fleet-Street...The Voyages and travells of the ambassadors sent by Frederick Duke of Holstein, to the Great Duk...e of Muscovy, and the King of Persia. Begun in the year M. DC. XXXIII. and finish'd in M. DC. XXX...eral publick transactions reaching near the present times ; in VII. books. Whereto are added the Tra...vels of John Albert de Mandelslo, (a gentleman belonging to the embassay) from Persia, into the East-Ind...ies. Containing a particular description of Indosthan, the Mogul's empire, the oriental ilands, Jap...The Voyages and travells of the ambassadors sent by Frederick Duke of Holstein, to the Great Duke.... books. The whole work illustrated with divers accurate mapps, and figures...The Voyages and travells of the ambassadors sent by Frederick Duke of Holstein, to the Great Duk...e of Muscovy, and the King of Persia. Begun in the year M. DC. XXXIII. and finish'd in M. DC. XXX...eral publick transactions reaching near the present times ; in VII. books. Whereto are added the Tra...vels of John Albert de Mandelslo, (a gentleman belonging to the embassay) from Persia, into the East-Ind...ies. Containing a particular description of Indosthan, the Mogul's empire, the oriental ilands, Jap
Этнокультурные и социально-экономические проблемы освоения смежных территорий Северо-Восточной Азии: российский Дальний Восток, Северо-Восточный Китай, о. Хоккайдо (Япония) (XVII - первая половина XX в.) = Ethno-cultural and socio-economic problems of the adjacent territories of North-East Asia. The Russian far East, Northeast China, Hokkaido island (Japan) in XVII - the first half of the XX century
Этнокультурные и социально-экономические проблемы освоения смежных территорий Северо-Восточной Азии: российский Дальний Восток, Северо-Восточный Китай, о. Хоккайдо (Япония) (XVII - первая половина XX в.) = Ethno-cultural and socio-economic problems of the adjacent territories of North-East Asia. The Russian far East, Northeast China, Hokkaido island (Japan) in XVII - the first half of the XX century. 2013.
of North-East Asia. The Russian far East, Northeast China, Hokkaido island (Japan) in XVII.... The Russian far East, Northeast China, Hokkaido island (Japan) in XVII - the first half of the XX century...овина XX в.) = Ethno-cultural and socio-economic problems of the adjacent territories of North-East Asi...a. The Russian far East, Northeast China, Hokkaido island (Japan) in XVII - the first half of the XX century.... The Russian far East, Northeast China, Hokkaido island (Japan) in XVII - the first half of the XX century...овина XX в.) = Ethno-cultural and socio-economic problems of the adjacent territories of North-East Asi...a. The Russian far East, Northeast China, Hokkaido island (Japan) in XVII - the first half of the XX century
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A claim to the invention of the tube sight, for giving greater effect to the fire of artillery, more particularly at sea, as submitted to the right hon. The lord comissioners of the admiralty, on the 4th octomber, 1813, with further illustrations and comparative remarks on the tude sight, as latery recommended by major-general sir William Congreve, in his book the 4th february, 1818, and tried on board his majesty's ship Liffey
Duff, Archibald. A claim to the invention of the tube sight, for giving greater effect to the fire of artillery, more particularly at sea, as submitted to the right hon. The lord comissioners of the admiralty, on the 4th octomber, 1813, with further illustrations and comparative remarks on the tude sight, as latery recommended by major-general sir William Congreve, in his book the 4th february, 1818, and tried on board his majesty's ship Liffey. London : Printed for W. Lendsell, 1819.
effect to the fire of artillery, more particularly at sea, as submitted to the right hon. The lord..., more particularly at sea, as submitted to the right hon. The lord comissioners of the admiralty...A claim to the invention of the tube sight, for giving greater effect to the fire of artillery, mor...e particularly at sea, as submitted to the right hon. The lord comissioners of the admiralty, on the... 4th octomber, 1813, with further illustrations and comparative remarks on the tude sight, as lat...ery recommended by major-general sir William Congreve, in his book the 4th february, 1818, and tri..., more particularly at sea, as submitted to the right hon. The lord comissioners of the admiralty...A claim to the invention of the tube sight, for giving greater effect to the fire of artillery, mor...e particularly at sea, as submitted to the right hon. The lord comissioners of the admiralty, on the... 4th octomber, 1813, with further illustrations and comparative remarks on the tude sight, as lat...ery recommended by major-general sir William Congreve, in his book the 4th february, 1818, and tried on board his majesty's ship Liffey
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Исторические проблемы социально-политической безопасности российского Дальнего Востока (вторая половина XX - начало XXI в.) [Текст] = The Historical problems of socio-political security of the russian Far East (the second half of XX -the early XXI c.) : монография : в 2 кн. Кн. 2: Миграционные вызовы и стратегии обеспечения социально-политической безопасности дальневосточных территорий = Migration challenges and the strategies of socio-political security of the far eastern territories.
Исторические проблемы социально-политической безопасности российского Дальнего Востока (вторая половина XX - начало XXI в.) [Текст] = The Historical problems of socio-political security of the russian Far East (the second half of XX -the early XXI c.) : монография : в 2 кн. Кн. 2: Миграционные вызовы и стратегии обеспечения социально-политической безопасности дальневосточных территорий = Migration challenges and the strategies of socio-political security of the far eastern territories.2014.
Востока (вторая половина XX - начало XXI в.) [Текст] = The Historical problems of socio-political... половина XX - начало XXI в.) [Текст] = The Historical problems of socio-political security...овина XX - начало XXI в.) [Текст] = The Historical problems of socio-political security of the rus...sian Far East (the second half of XX -the early XXI c.) : монография : в 2 кн. Кн. 2: Миграционные выз...ration challenges and the strategies of socio-political security of the far eastern territories. А. С. Ващук и др... половина XX - начало XXI в.) [Текст] = The Historical problems of socio-political security...овина XX - начало XXI в.) [Текст] = The Historical problems of socio-political security of the rus...sian Far East (the second half of XX -the early XXI c.) : монография : в 2 кн. Кн. 2: Миграционные выз...ration challenges and the strategies of socio-political security of the far eastern territories.
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Над Южным полюсом
Бэрд, Ричард. Над Южным полюсом. Ленинград : Изд-во Главсевморпути, 1935.
). -На обороте тит. л.: "Little America. Aerial exploration in the Antarctic. The flight to the South pole. By
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Pavlovsk. Tample of Friendship
Pavlovsk. Tample of Friendship.
Pavlovsk. Tample of Friendship...Pavlovsk. Tample of Friendship
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Siberia and the exile system [In 2 V.] V.2
Siberia and the exile system [In 2 V.] V.2. 1891.
Siberia and the exile system [In 2 V.] V.2 / Kennan G. - New York : The...New York : The Centure co....New York : The Centure co....Siberia and the exile system [In 2 V.] V.2 Kennan G....Siberia and the exile system [In 2 V.] V.2
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Lebens-Beschreibungen der beruhmten Manner Theseus, Romulus, Lykurgs, Numa, Solons und P. Bal. Publicola
Plutarchs von Charonea. Lebens-Beschreibungen der beruhmten Manner Theseus, Romulus, Lykurgs, Numa, Solons und P. Bal. Publicola. Leipzig : Bey Bernhard Christoph Breitkopf, 1745.
Friedrich Christian Prinzen von Pohlen und Litthauen...Theseus...Friedrich Christian...Theseus...Lebens-Beschreibungen der beruhmten Manner Theseus, Romulus, Lykurgs, Numa, Solons und P. Bal. Pub...Lebens-Beschreibungen der beruhmten Manner Theseus, Romulus, Lykurgs, Numa, Solons und P. Bal. Publicola
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V Malorossii
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944).
V Malorossii.
[between 1905 and 1915].
In Little Russia [i.e. Ukraine]. eng. В Малороссии. rus
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich...V Malorossii graphic In Little Russia [i.e. Ukraine] eng В Малороссии rus...In Little Russia [i.e. Ukraine]...In Little Russia [i.e. Ukraine]
Maloe Chertovo Gorodishche
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944).
Maloe Chertovo Gorodishche.
Little Chertovo Gorodishche. eng. Малое Чёртово Городище. rus
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei...Maloe Chertovo Gorodishche graphic Little Chertovo Gorodishche eng Малое Чёртово Городище rus...Little Chertovo Gorodishche...Little Chertovo Gorodishche