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Leningrad. The Neva Embankment and the Academy of Sciences of the USSR
Leningrad. The Neva Embankment and the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. 1932.
Leningrad. The Neva Embankment and the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. - 1932. -
Источник электронной копии: ПБ
...Leningrad. The Neva Embankment and the Academy of Sciences of the USSR...Leningrad. The Neva Embankment and the Academy of Sciences of the USSR...Leningrad. The Neva Embankment and the Academy of Sciences of the USSR...Leningrad. The Neva Embankment and the Academy of Sciences of the USSR
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The elements and practice of rigging and seamanship. Vol. 2
The elements and practice of rigging and seamanship. London: [Б. и.], 1794.
Vol. 2. 1794.
The elements and practice of rigging and seamanship : Illustrated...The elements and practice of rigging and seamanship. Vol. 2...Vol. 2 The elements and practice of rigging and seamanship Illustrated with engravings In two volumes...The elements and practice of rigging and seamanship...The elements and practice of rigging and seamanship
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The life of Catharine II Empress of Russia. Vol. 2
The life of Catharine II Empress of Russia. London: [Б. и.], 1798.
Vol. 2. 1798.
The life of Catharine II Empress of Russia : With seven portraits... elegantly engraved, and a correct map of the Russian empire : In three volumes. - The second...The life of Catharine II Empress of Russia. Vol. 2...Vol. 2 The life of Catharine II Empress of Russia With seven portraits elegantly engraved, and a correct map of the Russian empire In three volumes...The life of Catharine II Empress of Russia...The life of Catharine II Empress of Russia...With seven portraits elegantly engraved, and a correct map of the Russian empire
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Monographs of the Mediaeval academy of America. № 11. The Goths in the Crimea
Monographs of the Mediaeval academy of America. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Mediaeval academy of America, 1932-1937.
Vasiliev, Alexander Alexandrovich. № 11: The Goths in the Crimea. 1936.
, Massachusetts : The Mediaeval academy of America, 1932-1937. -Сканирование произведено за счет средств...)
№ 11: The Goths in the Crimea / Alexander Alexandrovich Vasiliev, professor of History University...Monographs of the Mediaeval academy of America. № 11. The Goths in the Crimea...Cambridge, Massachusetts...The Mediaeval academy of America...The Mediaeval academy of America...The Goths in the Crimea Alexander Alexandrovich Vasiliev, professor of History University of Wisconsin Monographs of the Mediaeval academy of America № 11...The Goths in the Crimea...The Goths in the Crimea...Monographs of the Mediaeval academy of America
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Punch, or The London charivari. Vol. 66. Punch
Punch, or The London charivari. London, 1848-.
Vol. 66: Punch. 1874.
Punch, or The London charivari. - London, 1848-. -
1. Народ...Punch, or The London charivari. Vol. 66. Punch...Published at the office...Punch Punch, or The London charivari Vol. 66...Punch, or The London charivari...Punch, or The London charivari
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The history of Kamtschatka, and the Kurilski islands, with the countries adjacent
Krašeninnikov, Stepan Petrovič (1713-1755). The history of Kamtschatka, and the Kurilski islands, with the countries adjacent. Glocester : Printed by R. Raike's for T. Jefferys, Geographer to his Majesty, London, 1764.
The history of Kamtschatka, and the Kurilski islands, with the countries adjacent...The history of Kamtschatka, and the Kurilski islands, with the countries adjacent...The history of Kamtschatka, and the Kurilski islands, with the countries adjacent Illustrated wit...h maps and cuts [by Mr. Krasheninicoff] Published at Petersbourg in the russian language, by ord...The history of Kamtschatka, and the Kurilski islands, with the countries adjacent...The history of Kamtschatka, and the Kurilski islands, with the countries adjacent...Published at Petersbourg in the russian language, by order of her Imperial Majesty and translated into english by James Grieve, M.D.
Punch, or The London charivari. Vol. 67. Punch
Punch, or The London charivari. London, 1848-.
Vol. 67: Punch. 1874.
Punch, or The London charivari. - London, 1848-. -
1. Народ...Punch, or The London charivari. Vol. 67. Punch...Published at the office...Punch Punch, or The London charivari Vol. 67...Punch, or The London charivari...Punch, or The London charivari
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The history of the life of Marcus Tullius Cicero. Vol. 3
Middleton. Conyers. The history of the life of Marcus Tullius Cicero. London: [Б. и.], 1767.
Vol. 3. 1767.
Middleton, Conyers
The history of the life of Marcus Tullius... of Cambridge. - The eighth edition. -London : [Б. и.], 1767. -
I. Cicero, Marcus Tullius.1. Территория...The history of the life of Marcus Tullius Cicero. Vol. 3...Vol. 3 The history of the life of Marcus Tullius Cicero In three volumes By Conyers Mid...dleton, D. D. Principal library-keeper of the University of Cambridge...The history of the life of Marcus Tullius Cicero...The history of the life of Marcus Tullius Cicero...By Conyers Middleton, D. D. Principal library-keeper of the University of Cambridge
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Мужчина при помощи деревообрабатывающего инструмента строгает бревна, Центральная Азия (?). [Man using tool to strip logs, Central Asia?]
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944). [Man using tool to strip logs, Central Asia?]. [between 1905 and 1915].
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944).
[Man using tool to strip logs.... Территория России (коллекция). 2. Clothing & dress. 3. Men. 4. Woodcutting. 5. Народы Средней Азии...Мужчина при помощи деревообрабатывающего инструмента строгает бревна, Центральная Азия (?). [Man using tool to strip logs, Central Asia?]...[Man using tool to strip logs, Central Asia?] graphic Мужчина при помощи деревообрабатывающего инструмента строгает бревна, Центральная Азия (?) rus...[Man using tool to strip logs, Central Asia?]...[Man using tool to strip logs, Central Asia?]
[Two carved wooden statues of bearded men with a haloes above their heads, one holds a set of keys, the other a book]
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944).
[Two carved wooden statues of bearded men with a haloes above their heads, one holds a set of keys, the other a book].
[between 1905 and 1915].
[Two carved wooden statues of bearded men with a haloes above their heads, one holds a set...[Two carved wooden statues of bearded men with a haloes above their heads, one holds a set of keys, the other a book]...[Two carved wooden statues of bearded men with a haloes above their heads, one holds a set of key...s, the other a book] graphic Две вырезанные из дерева фигуры мужчин, с нимбами над головами, у одного из них в руках связка ключей, а у другого - книга rus...[Two carved wooden statues of bearded men with a haloes above their heads, one holds a set of keys, the other a book]...[Two carved wooden statues of bearded men with a haloes above their heads, one holds a set of keys, the other a book]
The new practical navigator; being an epitome of navigation…
The new practical navigator; being an epitome of navigation…. 1796.
The new practical navigator; being an epitome of navigation… / Moore J.H...The new practical navigator; being an epitome of navigation…...The new practical navigator; being an epitome of navigation… Moore J.H....The new practical navigator; being an epitome of navigation…...The new practical navigator; being an epitome of navigation…
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Punch, or The London charivari. Vol. 69. Punch
Punch, or The London charivari. London, 1848-.
Vol. 69: Punch. 1875.
Punch, or The London charivari. - London, 1848-. -
1. Народ...Punch, or The London charivari. Vol. 69. Punch...Published at the office...Punch Punch, or The London charivari Vol. 69...Punch, or The London charivari...Punch, or The London charivari
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The epistles of Lucius Annaeus Seneca. Vol. 1
Morell. Thomas. The epistles of Lucius Annaeus Seneca. London: [Б. и.], 1786.
Vol. 1. 1786.
Morell, Thomas
The epistles of Lucius Annaeus Seneca : With large...The epistles of Lucius Annaeus Seneca. Vol. 1...ard to the moral duties of mankind In two volumes By Thomas Morell, D.D....Vol. 1 The epistles of Lucius Annaeus Seneca With large annotations, wherein, particularly, the ten...ets of the antient philosophers are contrasted with the divine precepts of the gospel, with reg...The epistles of Lucius Annaeus Seneca...The epistles of Lucius Annaeus Seneca...trasted with the divine precepts of the gospel, with regard to the moral duties of mankind...With large annotations, wherein, particularly, the tenets of the antient philosophers are con
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Punch, or The London charivari. Vol. 72. Punch
Punch, or The London charivari. London, 1848-.
Vol. 72: Punch. 1877.
Punch, or The London charivari. - London, 1848-. -
1. Народ...Punch, or The London charivari. Vol. 72. Punch...Published at the office...Punch Punch, or The London charivari Vol. 72...Punch, or The London charivari...Punch, or The London charivari
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Управление социоэкономической безопасностью. The Management of Socioeconomic Safety
Соложенцев, Евгений Дмитриевич. The Management of Socioeconomic Safety. Cambridge : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017.
The Management of Socioeconomic Safety [Электронный ресурс] / Eugene Solozhentsev. - Электронное...Управление социоэкономической безопасностью. The Management of Socioeconomic Safety...The Management of Socioeconomic Safety Электронный ресурс Eugene Solozhentsev Управление социоэкономической безопасностью rus...The Management of Socioeconomic Safety...The Management of Socioeconomic Safety
The Leningrad State Ballet in memory of Moussorgsky [комплект открыток]
The Leningrad State Ballet in memory of Moussorgsky [комплект открыток].
The Leningrad State Ballet in memory of Moussorgsky [комплект открыток...The Leningrad State Ballet in memory of Moussorgsky [комплект открыток]...The Leningrad State Ballet in memory of Moussorgsky [комплект открыток]...The Leningrad State Ballet in memory of Moussorgsky [комплект открыток]...The Leningrad State Ballet in memory of Moussorgsky [комплект открыток]
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The impracticability of a North-West Passage for ships, impartially considered
The impracticability of a North-West Passage for ships, impartially considered. London : Printed by A.J. Valpy, 1824.
The impracticability of a North-West Passage for ships, impartially considered...The impracticability of a North-West Passage for ships, impartially considered...The impracticability of a North-West Passage for ships, impartially considered...The impracticability of a North-West Passage for ships, impartially considered...The impracticability of a North-West Passage for ships, impartially considered
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The Constitution of England; or, An account of the English government
Lolme, J.L. de. The Constitution of England; or, An account of the English government. London : Printed for G.G.J. & J. Robinson and J. Murray, 1793.
Lolme, J.L. de
The Constitution of England; or, An account of the English...The Constitution of England; or, An account of the English government...The Constitution of England; or, An account of the English government In which it is compared, bot...h with the Republican Form of Government, and the other Monarchies in Europe By J.L. de Lolme, Adv...ocate, member of the Council of the Two Hundred in the Republic of Geneva An account of the English government...The Constitution of England; or, An account of the English government...The Constitution of England; or, An account of the English government...In which it is compared, both with the Republican Form of Government, and the other Monarchies in Europe...By J.L. de Lolme, Advocate, member of the Council of the Two Hundred in the Republic of Geneva...An account of the English government
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Сборник Музея антропологии и этнографии. Т. 2. 3. Mental ability in relation to head circumference, cephalic index, sociological condition, sex, age and nationality, by Arthur Mac Donald, author of "Man and Abnormal man"
Сборник Музея антропологии и этнографии.
Mac Donald, Arthur. Т. 2. 3: Mental ability in relation to head circumference, cephalic index, sociological condition, sex, age and nationality, by Arthur Mac Donald, author of "Man and Abnormal man". Петроград : Тип. Имп. Акад. наук, 1914.
, author of "Man and Abnormal man" : (Доложено в заседании Историко-филологического отделения 7 мая..., cephalic index, sociological condition, sex, age and nationality, by Arthur Mac Donald, author of "Man and Abnormal man"... and nationality, by Arthur Mac Donald, author of "Man and Abnormal man" (Доложено в заседании Ист... and nationality, by Arthur Mac Donald, author of "Man and Abnormal man"... and nationality, by Arthur Mac Donald, author of "Man and Abnormal man"
Punch, or The London charivari. Vol. 64. Punch
Punch, or The London charivari. London, 1848-.
Vol. 64: Punch. 1873.
Punch, or The London charivari. - London, 1848-. -
1. Народ...Punch, or The London charivari. Vol. 64. Punch...Published at the office...Punch Punch, or The London charivari Vol. 64...Punch, or The London charivari...Punch, or The London charivari
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Punch, or The London charivari. Vol. 71. Punch
Punch, or The London charivari. London, 1848-.
Vol. 71: Punch. 1876.
Punch, or The London charivari. - London, 1848-. -
1. Народ...Punch, or The London charivari. Vol. 71. Punch...Published at the office...Punch Punch, or The London charivari Vol. 71...Punch, or The London charivari...Punch, or The London charivari
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The elements and practice of rigging and seamanship. Vol. 1
The elements and practice of rigging and seamanship. London: [Б. и.], 1794.
Vol. 1. 1794.
The elements and practice of rigging and seamanship : Illustrated...The elements and practice of rigging and seamanship. Vol. 1...Vol. 1 The elements and practice of rigging and seamanship Illustrated with engravings In two volumes...The elements and practice of rigging and seamanship...The elements and practice of rigging and seamanship
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The Moscow Kremlin - Московский Кремль: [комплект открыток]
The Moscow Kremlin - Московский Кремль: [комплект открыток]. 1982.
The Moscow Kremlin - Московский Кремль: [комплект открыток] / фот. Р...The Moscow Kremlin - Московский Кремль: [комплект открыток]...The Moscow Kremlin - Московский Кремль: [комплект открыток] фот. Р. Бениаминсон, Ю. Быковский, В. Менделеев...The Moscow Kremlin - Московский Кремль: [комплект открыток]...The Moscow Kremlin - Московский Кремль: [комплект открыток]
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The Salisbury guide, giving an account of the antiquities of old Sarum
The Salisbury guide, giving an account of the antiquities of old Sarum. Salisbury : Printed and sold by J. Easton, 1814.
The Salisbury guide, giving an account of the antiquities of old Sarum : And...The Salisbury guide, giving an account of the antiquities of old Sarum...The Salisbury guide, giving an account of the antiquities of old Sarum And the ancient and pre...sent State of New Sarum, or Salisbury: the cathedral; seats of the Nobility and Gentry; the post, coa...ches, and carriers; with the Distances of the principal Towns and Villages on the high roads from Sal...isbury Embellished with a Map of the Country round Salisbury, - Council Hose, - Poultry Cross, - Cathedral, - and Chorister Bishop...The Salisbury guide, giving an account of the antiquities of old Sarum...The Salisbury guide, giving an account of the antiquities of old Sarum...And the ancient and present State of New Sarum, or Salisbury: the cathedral; seats of the Nob...ility and Gentry; the post, coaches, and carriers; with the Distances of the principal Towns and Villages on the high roads from Salisbury...Embellished with a Map of the Country round Salisbury, - Council Hose, - Poultry Cross, - Cathedral, - and Chorister Bishop
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The Presidential Library: Uniting the Past and the Future. Collage. 2014
The Presidential Library: Uniting the Past and the Future. Collage. 2014.
The Presidential Library: Uniting the Past and the Future. Collage. 2014... : [карманный календарь]. - Изобразительное электронное издание. -(St. Petersburg: The Presidential Library...The Presidential Library: Uniting the Past and the Future. Collage. 2014...The Presidential Library: Uniting the Past and the Future. Collage. 2014 [карманный календарь] Президентская библиотека имени Б. Н. Ельцина 2011...The Presidential Library: Uniting the Past and the Future. Collage. 2014...The Presidential Library: Uniting the Past and the Future. Collage. 2014