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Kongelig allernaadigst bevilget Octroy for det Danske asiatiske compagnie udi 20 aar fra 12 april 1792
Kongelig allernaadigst bevilget Octroy for det Danske asiatiske compagnie udi 20 aar fra 12 april 1792. Kiobenhavn : Trykt hos Hofbogtrykkerne N. Moller og Son, 1797.
martii 1792. - Kiobenhavn : Trykt hos Hofbogtrykkerne N. Moller og Son, 1797. -48 с.. -Экз.: без обл...Trykt hos Hofbogtrykkerne N. Moller og Son...Trykt hos Hofbogtrykkerne N. Moller og Son
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Journal encyclopedique ou universel. Annee 1791. T. 6. 30 juillet. № 21
Journal encyclopedique ou universel. Bouillon: De l'Imprimerie du Journal, [1779-1793].
Annee 1791. T. 6. 30 juillet. № 21. [1791].
du Journal, [1779-1793]. -Dedie a Son Alt. Serenissime Mgr. le Duc de Bouillon, & c., & c., & c
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А. К. Глазунов: фото. С автографом на оборотной стороне: «Дорогой Любови Григорьевне в знак признательности за заботы о сестрице. А. Глазунов. 12 окт. 1910». - Cambridge, 1907
А. К. Глазунов: фото. С автографом на оборотной стороне: «Дорогой Любови Григорьевне в знак признательности за заботы о сестрице. А. Глазунов. 12 окт. 1910». - Cambridge, 1907. 1907.
/ Stearn and sons. - 1907. -КР РИИИ, ф.3, оп.4, ед.хр. 399 (32). Размер 14,7 х 7,5; паспарту: 25 х 14.
Источник электронной копии: ПБ
...знательности за заботы о сестрице. А. Глазунов. 12 окт. 1910». - Cambridge, 1907 Stearn and sons...Stearn and sons...Stearn and sons
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Dictionnaire de l'Academie francoise. T. 1. A-K
Dictionnaire de l'Academie francoise.
T. 1: A-K. 1811.
, libraires de son S. A. I. et R. Madame Mere ; : Chez Garnery, libraire : Chez Henri Nicolle...Chez Bossange et Masson, libraires de son S. A. I. et R. Madame Mere Chez Garnery, libraire Chez Henri Nicolle, libraire...Chez Bossange et Masson, libraires de son S. A. I. et R. Madame Mere Chez Garnery, libraire Chez Henri Nicolle, libraire
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Lettres d'un francais a un allemand, servant de reponse a Mr. de Kotzebue, et de supplement aux memoires secrets sur la Russie
Masson, C.F. Ph.Masson, Charles Francois Philibert. Lettres d'un francais a un allemand, servant de reponse a Mr. de Kotzebue, et de supplement aux memoires secrets sur la Russie. Paris : Levrault, 1802; Coblence : Lassaulx.
mots A.M. Masson, Auteur des Memoires secrets sur la Russie, en reponse A son Mot a l'Auteur de...Masson C.F. Ph....Masson C. F. P. Charles Francois Philibert...Masson C.F. Ph....Masson Charles Francois Philibert...oires secrets sur la Russie Par C.F. Ph. Masson, (cidevant major en premier, au service de Rus...sie, et secretaire des commandemens du Grand Duc Alexandre-Pauloide) Quelques mots A.M. Masson, Auteur des... Memoires secrets sur la Russie, en reponse A son Mot a l'Auteur de l'Examen de trois ouvrages sur...Quelques mots A.M. Masson, Auteur des Memoires secrets sur la Russie, en reponse A son Mot...Par C.F. Ph. Masson, (cidevant major en premier, au service de Russie, et secretaire des commandemens du Grand Duc Alexandre-Pauloide)...Quelques mots A.M. Masson, Auteur des Memoires secrets sur la Russie, en reponse A son Mot a l'Aut
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А. К. Глазунов: фото. С автографом на оборотной стороне: «Прекрасному музыканту и опытному советчику Максимилиану Овсеевичу Штейнбергу на память от душевно преданного А. К. Глазунова. 24 мая 1908» - Cambridge, 1907
А. К. Глазунов: фото. С автографом на оборотной стороне: «Прекрасному музыканту и опытному советчику Максимилиану Овсеевичу Штейнбергу на память от душевно преданного А. К. Глазунова. 24 мая 1908» - Cambridge, 1907. 1907.
А. К. Глазунова. 24 мая 1908» - Cambridge, 1907 / Stearn and sons. - 1907. -КР РИИИ, ф.28, оп.3, ед.хр.1246 / 2...етчику Максимилиану Овсеевичу Штейнбергу на память от душевно преданного А. К. Глазунова. 24 мая 1908» - Cambridge, 1907 Stearn and sons...Stearn and sons...Stearn and sons
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Andrei Petrov Kalganov. Byvshii master zavoda. Na sluzhbie byl 55 liet, ot rody 72 g. Imiel schastie podnosit'' khlieb-sol'' Ego Imperatorskomu Velichestvu Gosudariu Imperatoru Nikolaiu II. [Zlatoust]
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944). Andrei Petrov Kalganov. Byvshii master zavoda. Na sluzhbie byl 55 liet, ot rody 72 g. Imiel schastie podnosit'' khlieb-sol'' Ego Imperatorskomu Velichestvu Gosudariu Imperatoru Nikolaiu II. [Zlatoust]. [1910].
toust] graphic Andrei Petrov Kalganov. Former master in the plant. Seventy-two years old, has wor...Andrei Petrov Kalganov. Byvshii master zavoda. Na sluzhbie byl 55 liet, ot rody 72 g. Imiel sch...ked at the plant for fifty-five years. He was fortunate to present bread and salt to His Imperial Maj...esty, the Sovereign Emperor Nicholas II. [Zlatoust] eng Андрей Петров Калганов. Бывший мастер зав...Andrei Petrov Kalganov. Byvshii master zavoda. Na sluzhbie byl 55 liet, ot rody 72 g. Imiel sch...Andrei Petrov Kalganov. Former master in the plant. Seventy-two years old, has worked at the pla...nt for fifty-five years. He was fortunate to present bread and salt to His Imperial Majesty, the Sovereign Emperor Nicholas II. [Zlatoust]
Memoires secrets sur la Russie, et particulierement sur la fin du regne de Catherine II, et sur celui de Paul I. T. 4. Lettres d'un Francais a un Allemand, servant de reponse a Mr. de Kotzebue
Memoires secrets sur la Russie, et particulierement sur la fin du regne de Catherine II, et sur celui de Paul I. Paris: Ches Levrault, Schoell et Comp-e, 1804.
Masson, C.F.Ph.T. 4: Lettres d'un Francais a un Allemand, servant de reponse a Mr. de Kotzebue. 1804.
Masson C.F.Ph....Masson C.F.Ph....torique de la deportation de l'auteur Par C.F. Ph. Masson Memoires secrets sur la Russie, et par...Par C.F. Ph. Masson
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Передвижение тяжелой артиллерии трактором. Heavy gun hauled by motor traction
Heavy gun hauled by motor traction.
: Heavy gun hauled by motor traction [Изоматериал]. London : Raphael Tuck & Sons «Oilette», [между 1915...Raphael Tuck & Sons «Oilette»...Raphael Tuck & Sons «Oilette»...едвижение тяжелой артиллерии трактором rus At the front Series I...At the front
Russia. Vol. 1
Gautier. Theophile. Russia. Philadelphia: The international press the John C. Winston Co., [1905].
Vol. 1. [1905].
by Numerous Photogravures / By Theophile Gautier Author of "Italy", "Constantinople", "The Orient", Etc.... - Philadelphia : The international press the John C. Winston Co., [1905]. -
I. Tyson, Florence...Gautier T. Theophile...The international press the John C. Winston Co....The international press the John C. Winston Co....Gautier Theophile...Vol. 1 Russia In two volumes Illustrated by Numerous Photogravures By Theophile Gautier Aut...hor of "Italy", "Constantinople", "The Orient", Etc. and by Other Distinguished French Travelers and Wri...ters of Note Translated from the french, with an additional chapter upon the struggle for sup...remacy in the far east by Florence Macintype Tyson Russia. Descriptive and illustrative...By Theophile Gautier Author of "Italy", "Constantinople", "The Orient", Etc. and by Other Distinguished French Travelers and Writers of Note...By Theophile Gautier Author of "Italy", "Constantinople", "The Orient", Etc. and by Other Distinguished French Travelers and Writers of Note...Translated from the french, with an additional chapter upon the struggle for supremacy in the far east by Florence Macintype Tyson
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Russia. Vol. 2
Gautier. Theophile. Russia. Philadelphia: The international press the John C. Winston Co., [1905].
Vol. 2. [1905].
by Numerous Photogravures / By Theophile Gautier Author of "Italy", "Constantinople", "The Orient", Etc.... - Philadelphia : The international press the John C. Winston Co., [1905]. -
I. Tyson, Florence...Gautier T. Theophile...The international press the John C. Winston Co....The international press the John C. Winston Co....Gautier Theophile...Vol. 2 Russia In two volumes Illustrated by Numerous Photogravures By Theophile Gautier Aut...hor of "Italy", "Constantinople", "The Orient", Etc. and by Other Distinguished French Travelers and Wri...ters of Note Translated from the french, with an additional chapter upon the struggle for sup...remacy in the far east by Florence Macintype Tyson Russia. Descriptive and illustrative...By Theophile Gautier Author of "Italy", "Constantinople", "The Orient", Etc. and by Other Distinguished French Travelers and Writers of Note...By Theophile Gautier Author of "Italy", "Constantinople", "The Orient", Etc. and by Other Distinguished French Travelers and Writers of Note...Translated from the french, with an additional chapter upon the struggle for supremacy in the far east by Florence Macintype Tyson
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Considerations sur les principaux evenemens de la Revolution francoise. T. 3
de Stael. baronne. Considerations sur les principaux evenemens de la Revolution francoise. Paris: [Б. и.], 1818.
T. 3. 1818.
Delaunay Bossange et Masson
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Lettres de Madame de Sévigné à sa fille et à ses amis / M.Sevigne. - T. 1.
Lettres de Madame de Sévigné à sa fille et à ses amis / M.Sevigne. - T. 1.1806.
aris : Bossange, Masson et Besson
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Lettres de madame de Sevigne a sa fille et a ses amis. T. 7
Sevigne. Lettres de madame de Sevigne a sa fille et a ses amis. Paris: [Б. и.], 1806.
T. 7. 1806.
Chez Bossange, Masson et Besson
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Lettres de madame de Sevigne a sa fille et a ses amis. T. 6
Sevigne. Lettres de madame de Sevigne a sa fille et a ses amis. Paris: [Б. и.], 1806.
T. 6. 1806.
Chez Bossange, Masson et Besson
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Lettres de madame de Sevigne a sa fille et a ses amis. T. 4
Sevigne. Lettres de madame de Sevigne a sa fille et a ses amis. Paris: [Б. и.], 1806.
T. 4. 1806.
Chez Bossange, Masson et Besson
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Dissertatio medica de Praecipuis Deliriorum Causis Eorumque Medela Generalla Quaedam Exhibens
Plieninger, Theodorus. Dissertatio medica de Praecipuis Deliriorum Causis Eorumque Medela Generalla Quaedam Exhibens. Stuttgardiae : Imprimebat Cotta, [1779].
Plieninger T. Theodorus...Plieninger Theodorus...lico medicorum examini submittit auctor Theodorus Plieninger, Kaltenwestheimensis, ducalis Academiae militaris alumnus...Die VI Decembris MDCCLXXIX publico medicorum examini submittit auctor Theodorus Plieninger, Kaltenwestheimensis, ducalis Academiae militaris alumnus
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General introduction to the charts and memoirs
General introduction to the charts and memoirs. London : Printed by George Bigg, 1786.
. Memoir of the Chart of Part of the Coast of China, and The Adjacent Islands near the Entrance... or Paragua: Containing The Journal of the Schooner Cuddalore, december 1761 / By Dalrymple. An exat and true... description of The Coasts, Ports, Islands and Shoals, with The Soundings and Marks on the coast... of Luzon: From the Port, or Bay of Mariveles, to beyond Cape Engano, together with The description...General introduction to the charts and memoirs Originally printed in 1772 Published by Dal...rymple Journal of the Schooner cuddalore. On the Coast of Hainan 1760 By Dalrymple Memoir of the Chart of the... West Coast of Palawan or Paragua Containing The Journal of the Schooner Cuddalore, december 176...1 An exat and true description of The Coasts, Ports, Islands and Shoals, with The Soundings and Mar...ks on the coast of Luzon From the Port, or Bay of Mariveles, to beyond Cape Engano, together with The des...Containing The Journal of the Schooner Cuddalore, december 1761...An exat and true description of The Coasts, Ports, Islands and Shoals, with The Soundings and Marks on the coast of Luzon...From the Port, or Bay of Mariveles, to beyond Cape Engano, together with The description of the Babuyanes Islands...Memoir of the Chart of Part of the Coast of China, and The Adjacent Islands near the Entrance of Canton River...General introduction to the charts and memoirs...Journal of the Schooner cuddalore....On the Coast of Hainan 1760...Memoir of the Chart of the West Coast of Palawan or Paragua...Containing The Journal of the Schooner Cuddalore, december 1761
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Theorie des signes pour l'instruction des sourds-muets. T. 1
Sicard. abbe. Theorie des signes pour l'instruction des sourds-muets. Paris: [Б. и.], 1808.
T. 1. 1808.
T. 1 Theorie des signes pour l'instruction des sourds-muets Dediee a s.m. l'empereur et roi, par...nce, et de plusieurs societes savantes et litteraires Suivie d'une notice sur l'enfance de Massieu...Theorie des signes pour l'instruction des sourds-muets...Suivie d'une notice sur l'enfance de Massieu
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Okolo shliuza machta so znakami, ukazyvaiushchimi glubinu farvatera v r. Slaviankie. [Rossiiskaia imperiia]
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944).
Okolo shliuza machta so znakami, ukazyvaiushchimi glubinu farvatera v r. Slaviankie. [Rossiiskaia imperiia].
siiskaia imperiia] graphic Near the sluice, mast with signs indicating the depth of the channel in the Sla...Near the sluice, mast with signs indicating the depth of the channel in the Slavianka River. [Russian Empire]
Observations concerning the distinction of ranks in society
Millar, John. Observations concerning the distinction of ranks in society. London : Printed for J. Murray, 1773.
John Millar, esq. proffessor of law in the university of Glasgow. - The second edition, greatly...be or village Of the power of a sovereign over an extenfive society Of the authority of a master over his servants...Observations concerning the distinction of ranks in society By John Millar, esq. proffessor of law... in the university of Glasgow Of the rank and condition of women in different ages Of the jur...ifdiction and authority of a father over his children Of the authority of a chief over the members of a tri...Observations concerning the distinction of ranks in society...By John Millar, esq. proffessor of law in the university of Glasgow...Of the rank and condition of women in different ages...Of the jurifdiction and authority of a father over his children...Of the authority of a chief over the members of a tribe or village
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A set of linear tables, for correcting the apparent distance of the moon from the sun or a fixed star, for the effect of refraction
Norie, J.W.A set of linear tables, for correcting the apparent distance of the moon from the sun or a fixed star, for the effect of refraction. London : Printed for the author, 1820.
Printed for the author...A set of linear tables, for correcting the apparent distance of the moon from the sun or a fix...ed star, for the effect of refraction Whereby Lyon's method of finding the true distance is rendered one... of the easiest that have been proposed To which are added, tables for parallax, and rules for com...puting the true distance, illustrated by appropriate examples By J.W. Norie, teacher of navigation and...A set of linear tables, for correcting the apparent distance of the moon from the sun or a fixed star, for the effect of refraction...Whereby Lyon's method of finding the true distance is rendered one of the easiest that have been proposed...To which are added, tables for parallax, and rules for computing the true distance, illustrated by appropriate examples
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Acts of Congress. [1839]. 3 Session
Acts of Congress. [Washington: Б. и., 1838-1839].
[1839]. 3 Session. [1839].
Congress of the United States 25...[1839]. 3 Session Acts of Congress Congress of the United States. 25th...Congress of the United States. 25th
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Acts of Congress. [1838]. 3 Session
Acts of Congress. [Washington: Б. и., 1838-1839].
[1838]. 3 Session. [1838].
Congress of the United States 25...[1838]. 3 Session Acts of Congress Congress of the United States. 25th...Congress of the United States. 25th
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A voyage round the world
Betagh, William. A voyage round the world. London : Printed for T. Combes at the Bible and Dove in Pater-noster Row, J. Lacy at the Ship near Jemple Bar, and J. Clake at the Bhile under the Royal Exchange, 1728.
Printed for T. Combes at the Bible and Dove in Pater-noster Row, J. Lacy at the Ship near Jem...ple Bar, and J. Clake at the Bhile under the Royal Exchange...A voyage round the world Being an account of a remarkable enterprize, begun in the year 1719, chi...efly to cruise on the Spaniards in the great South Ocean Relating the true historical facts of tha...t whole affair: testifyd by many imployd therein; and confirmd by authorities from the owners By William Betagh, captain of marines in that expedition...A voyage round the world...Being an account of a remarkable enterprize, begun in the year 1719, chiefly to cruise on the Spaniards in the great South Ocean...Relating the true historical facts of that whole affair: testifyd by many imployd therein; and confirmd by authorities from the owners
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