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Найдено 45 материалов
The Presidential Library: Uniting the Past and the Future. Collage. 2014
The Presidential Library: Uniting the Past and the Future. Collage. 2014... : [карманный календарь]. - Изобразительное электронное издание. -(St. Petersburg: The Presidential Library...The Presidential Library: Uniting the Past and the Future. Collage. 2014...The Presidential Library: Uniting the Past and the Future. Collage. 2014 [карманный календарь] Президентская библиотека имени Б. Н. Ельцина 2011...The Presidential Library: Uniting the Past and the Future. Collage. 2014...The Presidential Library: Uniting the Past and the Future. Collage. 2014
The Progress of the maritime discovery, from the earliest period to the close of the eighteenth century, forming an extensive system of hydrography
Clarke, James Stanier (chaplain).
The Progress of the maritime discovery, from... the earliest period to the close of the eighteenth century, forming an extensive system...The Progress of the maritime discovery, from the earliest period to the close of the eighteenth century, forming an extensive system of hydrography...tury, forming an extensive system of hydrography By James Stanier Clarke, F.R.S. domestic chaplain to the prince, and vicar Preston...The Progress of the maritime discovery, from the earliest period to the close of the eighteenth cen...The Progress of the maritime discovery, from the earliest period to the close of the eighteenth century, forming an extensive system of hydrography...The Progress of the maritime discovery, from the earliest period to the close of the eighteenth century, forming an extensive system of hydrography...By James Stanier Clarke, F.R.S. domestic chaplain to the prince, and vicar Preston
The Progress of the maritime discovery, from the earliest period to the close of the eighteenth century, forming an extensive system of hydrography. Vol. 1
Clarke, James Stanier (chaplain).
The Progress of the maritime... system of hydrography / By James Stanier Clarke, F.R.S. domestic chaplain to the prince, and vicar...The Progress of the maritime discovery, from the earliest period to the close of the eighteenth... century, forming an extensive system of hydrography. Vol. 1...hteenth century, forming an extensive system of hydrography By James Stanier Clarke, F.R.S. domestic chaplain to the prince, and vicar Preston...Vol. 1 The Progress of the maritime discovery, from the earliest period to the close of the eig...The Progress of the maritime discovery, from the earliest period to the close of the eighteenth century, forming an extensive system of hydrography...The Progress of the maritime discovery, from the earliest period to the close of the eighteenth century, forming an extensive system of hydrography...By James Stanier Clarke, F.R.S. domestic chaplain to the prince, and vicar Preston
Тихоокеанская Россия в системе международных отношений и обеспечения безопасности в Азиатско-Тихоокеанском регионе: опыт последних лет и грядущие перспективы = Pacific Russia in international relations and security building in the Asia Pacific: historical experience and perspectives for the future : [сборник статей]
in international relations and security building in the Asia Pacific: historical experience... and perspectives for the future : [сборник статей]. - Владивосток, 2012. -Доп.соглашение № 1 от 22.03.2024...-Тихоокеанском регионе: опыт последних лет и грядущие перспективы = Pacific Russia in international... relations and security building in the Asia Pacific: historical experience and perspectives for the future : [сборник статей]...оокеанском регионе: опыт последних лет и грядущие перспективы = Pacific Russia in international rel...ations and security building in the Asia Pacific: historical experience and perspectives for the future : [сборник статей]...-Тихоокеанском регионе: опыт последних лет и грядущие перспективы = Pacific Russia in international... relations and security building in the Asia Pacific: historical experience and perspectives for the future : [сборник статей]...оокеанском регионе: опыт последних лет и грядущие перспективы = Pacific Russia in international rel...ations and security building in the Asia Pacific: historical experience and perspectives for the future : [сборник статей]
Siberia and the exile system
Kennan, George
Siberia and the exile system / By George Kennan. - New York : The...Siberia and the exile system...The Century Co....The Century Co....Siberia and the exile system By George Kennan...Siberia and the exile system...Siberia and the exile system
A complete system of astronomy
Vince, S.
A complete system of astronomy / By the Rev. S. Vince, A.M. F.R.S...A complete system of astronomy...A complete system of astronomy By the Rev. S. Vince, A.M. F.R.S. Plumian professor of astronomy and... experimental philosophy in the university of Cambridge...A complete system of astronomy...A complete system of astronomy...By the Rev. S. Vince, A.M. F.R.S. Plumian professor of astronomy and experimental philosophy in the university of Cambridge
Monastery canal system
Monastery canal system [Изоматериал] : [фотография]. - 26 июля 1998. - 1 фотография : цветная...Monastery canal system...Monastery canal system Изоматериал [фотография] Система каналов монастыря rus...Monastery canal system...Monastery canal system
Siberia and the exile system. Vol. 1
Kennan, George
Siberia and the exile system / By George Kennan.... - New York : The Century Co., 1891. -
1. Территория (коллекция).
Источник электронной копии...Siberia and the exile system. Vol. 1...The Century Co....The Century Co....Vol. 1 Siberia and the exile system By George Kennan...Siberia and the exile system...Siberia and the exile system
A complete system of astronomy. Vol. 1
Vince, S.
A complete system of astronomy / By the Rev. S. Vince...A complete system of astronomy. Vol. 1...Vol. 1 A complete system of astronomy By the Rev. S. Vince, A.M. F.R.S. Plumian professor of ast...ronomy and experimental philosophy in the university of Cambridge...A complete system of astronomy...A complete system of astronomy...By the Rev. S. Vince, A.M. F.R.S. Plumian professor of astronomy and experimental philosophy in the university of Cambridge
The elks. The elk farm in Soumarokovo
The elks. The elk farm in Soumarokovo. - Терем, 2001. -открытка 605...The elks. The elk farm in Soumarokovo...The elks. The elk farm in Soumarokovo...The elks. The elk farm in Soumarokovo...The elks. The elk farm in Soumarokovo
A popular exposition of the system of the universe
Hassler, F.R.
A popular exposition of the system of the universe : With plates...A popular exposition of the system of the universe...A popular exposition of the system of the universe With plates and tables By F.R. Hassler, F.A.P.S....A popular exposition of the system of the universe...A popular exposition of the system of the universe
System der reinen und angewandten Mechanik fester Korper
Ide, J.J.A.
System der reinen und angewandten Mechanik fester Korper / Von J.J.A...System der reinen und angewandten Mechanik fester Korper...System der reinen und angewandten Mechanik fester Korper Von J.J.A. Ide, Doktor der Philosophie und...System der reinen und angewandten Mechanik fester Korper...System der reinen und angewandten Mechanik fester Korper
The British expedition to the Crimea
Russell, W.H.
The British expedition to the Crimea : Illustrated with plans.... ил., карт., пл., портр. : табл.. -The Author reserves the right of translation.Экз.: без обл.
1...The British expedition to the Crimea...The British expedition to the Crimea Illustrated with plans, woodcuts, etc. By W.H. Russell, LLd. the "times" special correspondent...The British expedition to the Crimea...The British expedition to the Crimea...By W.H. Russell, LLd. the "times" special correspondent
The triumphs of temper
Hayley, William
The triumphs of temper : A poem : In six cantos / By William... Hayley, Esq. - The sixth edition, corrected. -London : Printed for T. Cadell, 1788. -XII, 162 с., 7 л...The triumphs of temper...The triumphs of temper A poem In six cantos By William Hayley, Esq....The triumphs of temper...The triumphs of temper
The history of the war with Russia
Tyrrell, Henry
The history of the war with Russia : Giving full details...The history of the war with Russia...Printed and published by the London printing and publishing company (limited)...The history of the war with Russia Giving full details of the operations of the allied armies Ill...ustrated by a series of steel engravings, comprising portraits of celebrated commanders; events of the... war; battle scenes; views of celebrated places in the seat of war; maps, plans, etc. By Henry Tyrrell, esq....The history of the war with Russia...The history of the war with Russia...Giving full details of the operations of the allied armies...nts of the war; battle scenes; views of celebrated places in the seat of war; maps, plans, etc.
The Odyssey of Homer
The Odyssey of Homer / Translated by Alexander Pope, esq. - London : [Б...The Odyssey of Homer...The Odyssey of Homer Translated by Alexander Pope, esq....The Odyssey of Homer...The Odyssey of Homer
The picture of London, for 1815
The picture of London, for 1815 : Being a correct guide to all the curiosities... a collection of appropriate tables; two large maps, and various other engravings. - The sixteenth...The picture of London, for 1815...The picture of London, for 1815 Being a correct guide to all the curiosities, amusements, exh...The picture of London, for 1815...The picture of London, for 1815...Being a correct guide to all the curiosities, amusements, exhibitions, public establishments, and remarkable objects, in and near London
The autobiography of John Galt
Galt, John
The autobiography of John Galt : In two volumes. - London : [Б...The autobiography of John Galt...The autobiography of John Galt In two volumes...The autobiography of John Galt...The autobiography of John Galt
The Seat of War in the East
Simpson, William
The Seat of War in the East : Dedicated by permission to her...The Seat of War in the East...The Seat of War in the East Dedicated by permission to her most gracious majesty the queen By William Simpson...The Seat of War in the East...The Seat of War in the East...Dedicated by permission to her most gracious majesty the queen
H.M. The Queen
H.M. The Queen / фот. Paul Ratcliffe. - -. -Другое ; 605: Территория.
Источник электронной копии: Галерея Третьякова
...H.M. The Queen...H.M. The Queen фот. Paul Ratcliffe...H.M. The Queen...H.M. The Queen
The history of the Rights of Princes
Burnet, Gilbert
The history of the Rights of Princes : In the disposing...The history of the Rights of Princes...The history of the Rights of Princes In the disposing of ecclesiastical genefices and church-lan...ds Relating chiefly to the pretensions of the crown of france to the regale, and the late contests wit...h the court of rome To which is added, a collection of letters written on that occasion: and of som...The history of the Rights of Princes...The history of the Rights of Princes...In the disposing of ecclesiastical genefices and church-lands...Relating chiefly to the pretensions of the crown of france to the regale, and the late contests with the court of rome
The doctrine of baptism
Aitken, William Hay Macdowall Hunter
The doctrine of baptism...The doctrine of baptism...The doctrine of baptism mechanical or spirutual By W. Hay M. H. Aitken Nisbet's Church of England handbooks...The doctrine of baptism...The doctrine of baptism
The Russians in Central Asia
Hellwald, Frederick von
The Russians in Central Asia : A critical examination...The Russians in Central Asia...Wirgman T. Theodore...Wirgman Theodore...The Russians in Central Asia A critical examination down to the present time of the geography and... history of Central Asia With a map By Frederick von Hellwald, member of the Geographical soc...ieties of Vienna, Mexico, Paris, Geneva, New York, etc. Translated from the German by Lieut.-Col. The...odore Wirgman, LL.B. Trinity college, Gambridge late 6th inniskilling dragoons (formerly of the Austrian ser...vice) translator of Schiller's Wallenstein's camp into english verse...The Russians in Central Asia...The Russians in Central Asia...A critical examination down to the present time of the geography and history of Central Asia...By Frederick von Hellwald, member of the Geographical societies of Vienna, Mexico, Paris, Geneva, New York, etc....e 6th inniskilling dragoons (formerly of the Austrian service) translator of Schiller's Wallenstein's camp into english verse...Translated from the German by Lieut.-Col. Theodore Wirgman, LL.B. Trinity college, Gambridge lat
The World in Miniature
The World in Miniature : Russia, being a description of the character, manners...The World in Miniature...The World in Miniature Russia, being a description of the character, manners, customs, dress, div...ersions, and other peculiarities of the different nations, inhabiting the Russian Empire In four vol...The World in Miniature...The World in Miniature...Russia, being a description of the character, manners, customs, dress, diversions, and other peculiarities of the different nations, inhabiting the Russian Empire
The british critic
The british critic. - [London : Б. и., 1822]. -
1. Территория (коллекция...The british critic...The british critic...The british critic...The british critic