Works of novice filmmakers to be considered at the Presidential Library Cinema Club

6 December 2016

According to the tradition in the leaving year at the Presidential Library cinema club will be presented the work and life of the children's cinema studios. Cinema club meeting will be held on December 6, 2016 at 15:00, where it will be possible to compare works of different ages of children from the club "White pencil" of the Academy of Film and Television "LIK" of the TV and Radio Company "Gulliver".

Coming in the studio for studying child can get acquainted with the entire spectrum of "cinematic" specialties, to "try" them over and finally choose one of them - the most suitable to his nature and interests. In the "LIK" Academy, for example, you can be trained in seven specialties: from the actor and director to television journalist. 

"There is no theory here – we are making real cinema, - the guy tell. - "LIK" – is a real film studio: we are making movies, video clips and commercials in the professional camera. We impose a real make-up of our actors. And yet we take this clapperboard and write numbers of films on it. But the main thing - is to write a script, clearly and interestingly to deploy it".     

How interesting it is obtained at the output, it can be understood in the cinema room of the Presidential Library. By viewing and discussion are offered four tapes: "", "Exit", "Last Order", "Snowflake".

Honorary guest of the cinema club is director, screenwriter and producer Andrei Kim.

The meeting will be held in the multimedia room of the Presidential Library at Senate Square, 3.

Please confirm your presence at tel.: (812) 305-16-35; 8 (921) 594-16-13 or by e-mail:, Smolina Elena Viktorovna.

 Accreditation for media representatives is till 12:00 am, December 5.

Applications for accreditation should be sent in the attached form to the email address:, Natalia Korkonosenko, the press service of the Presidential Library, tel.: (812) 305-16-21, ext. 265; mob.: +7 (921) 427 86 48. 

The attached form must specify the full name, name of media, date and place of birth, passport data (series, number, place of registration), the carrying technique, contact phone numbers.

Please note that the entrance to the Presidential Library for media representatives is through entrance № 2 upon showing the passports.