Прядильное производство

Прядильное производство

Материалы по теме

The case of the privileges of the Manufactory-adviser's adviser to Gaiten on the method of treating hemp, flax and nettle to produce fabrics, with the use of fibers from fiber feeds, and wood-based pipes for paper preparation and newly invented in

Department of People's Enlightenment of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment (1803-1917).Russia.Ministry of Folk Enlightenment.Department of Folk Enlightenment.The case in relation to the chief of the main headquarters of his imperial majesty on the delivery of calculations of the Academician Vishnevsky regarding the definition of longitude and latitude, on the astronomical observation of them made.1821.

The case of the issuance of 10-year-old privileges in St. Petersburg 1 Guild of the merchant, honorable citizen Ivan Likhachev and a teacher of literature Nikolai Khanayan on a mealless way of extinguishing of spinning plants, with the help of the shell invented

Department of State Saving Department of the State Council.The case of the issuance of a 10-year-old privilege of the Petersburg 1 Guild of the merchant, honorable citizen Ivan Likhachev and a teacher of literature Nikolai Khanayan on a mealless way of extinguishing of spinning plants, with the help of the projectile invented by them.