Источниковедение. Вспомогательные исторические дисциплины

Источниковедение. Вспомогательные исторические дисциплины

Материалы по теме

Шифртелеграмма наркома по иностранным делам СССР М. М. Литвинова в НКИД СССР о беседе с министром иностранных дел Великобритании Э. Иденом об итало-абиссинском конфликте, санкциях против Италии и британском "вопроснике" рейхсканцлеру Германии А. Гитлеру о

Cipher telegram from Soviet People’s Commissar of Foreign Affairs M. Litvinov to the Soviet People’s Commissariat of Foreign Affairs about his conversation with British Foreign Secretary A. Eden on the Italo-Abyssinian conflict, the sanctions against Italy and the British “questionnaire” to German Chancellor A. Hitler concerning his views on assuring peace in Europe. Certified copy.

The six petitions of Baron Alexander Yegorovich and his son Nikolai Alexandrovich Wrangel in the name of Nicholas II, the permission to wear the title of Count, once belonged to their ancestors who lived in Sweden

Wrangel, Baron Nikolai Alexandrovich (born 1869), lieutenant-general, manager of the affairs of the Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich.
The six petitions of Baron Alexander Egorovich and his son Nikolai Alexandrovich Wrangel in the name of Nicholas II, about the permission to wear the title of count, once belonged to their ancestors who lived in Sweden.
