Elizabeth of Russia (Elizaveta Petrovna)
Elizabeth of Russia (Elizaveta Petrovna)
The section includes a review, which familiarizes the reader with the state policy of Elizabeth of Russia. It is accompanied by bibliography represented in certain topic blocks, as well as research works and documents, which turn the spotlight on the biography of the Empress and her private correspondence.
According to the first of praise of Her Majesty the Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, the All-Russian autocrat, speaking of the day November 26 1749
Lomonosov, Mikhail Vasilyevich (1711-1765).According to the first of praise of Her Majesty the Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, the All-Russian autocrat, speaking of the day November 26 1749.[St. Petersburg: Imperial Academy of Sciences], 1749.
Тульская ОУНБ
Speech govorennyya in a public meeting of the Academy of Sciences at the ceremonial name-day of the august daughter of Peter Elizabeth of Great All-Russian autocrat 6 September day in 1755
Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg).Speech govorennyya in a public meeting of the Academy of Sciences at the ceremonial name-day of the august daughter of Peter Elizabeth of Great All-Russian autocrat 6 September day in 1755.In St. Petersburg: Prints at the Imperial Academy of Sciences, [1755].
Тамбовская ОУНБ
A brief description of the illness and the death of her Majesty Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, eternal glory worthy of memory, and prosperous to the throne of the ascension of His Majesty the Emperor Peter the Third
A brief description of the illness and the death of her Majesty the Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, eternal glory worthy of memory, and prosperous to the throne of the ascension of His Majesty the Emperor Peter the Third.
[Sankt Petersburg]: [Type. Acad. Sciences], [1762].
[Sankt Petersburg]: [Type. Acad. Sciences], [1762].
Historical and chronological generation of paintings of all in Russia owning great princes, kings, emperors and empresses,
Kusheleva, Elizabeth Dmitrievna (1755-1822).
Historical and chronological generation of paintings of all in Russia owning great princes, kings, emperors and empresses.
St Petersburg: Pecs. in Chr. Henning, 1785.
St Petersburg: Pecs. in Chr. Henning, 1785.
The reign of Elizabeth Petrovna
Weidemeyer, Alexander Ivanovich (-1852).
The reign of Elizabeth Petrovna. Part 1-2.
St. Petersburg: Type. I. Fischon, 1849.
St. Petersburg: Type. I. Fischon, 1849.
Letters and notes of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna to the Grand Duke Peter Fedorovich, Grand Duchess Ekaterina Alekseevna, cabinet secretary Ivan Antonovich Cherkasov, S.V. Buturlinoy and various people close to the empress, 1741-1761.
Elizabeth Petrovna (Imp, 1709-1761 / 62).
Letters and notes of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna to the Grand Duke Peter Fedorovich, Grand Duchess Ekaterina Alekseevna, cabinet secretary Ivan Antonovich Cherkasov, S.V. Buturlina and various people close to the empress, 1741-1761.
[St. Petersburg, 1867].
[St. Petersburg, 1867].
History of Russia since ancient times.T. 21. History of Russia in the reign of Empress Elizabeth
Solovyov.Sergei Mikhailovich.historian.1820-1879.History of Russia since ancient times.Moscow: University Printing House, 1851-1879.T. 21: History of Russia in the reign of Empress Elizabeth.1871.
Самарская ОУНБ
History of Russia since ancient times.T. 22. History of Russia in the reign of Empress Elizabeth
Solovyov.Sergei Mikhailovich.historian.1820-1879.History of Russia since ancient times.Moscow: University Printing House, 1851-1879.T. 22: History of Russia in the reign of Empress Elizabeth.1872.
Самарская ОУНБ
History of Russia since ancient times.T. 23. History of Russia in the reign of Empress Elizabeth
Solovyov.Sergei Mikhailovich.historian.1820-1879.History of Russia since ancient times.Moscow: University Printing House, 1851-1879.T. 23: History of Russia in the reign of Empress Elizabeth.1873.
Самарская ОУНБ
History of Russia since ancient times.T. 24. History of Russia in the reign of Empress Elizabeth
Solovyov.Sergei Mikhailovich.historian.1820-1879.History of Russia since ancient times.Moscow: University Printing House, 1851-1879.T. 24: History of Russia in the reign of Empress Elizabeth.1874.
Самарская ОУНБ