Birth of Mitrofan Belyaev, Russian timber-merchant, musical publisher and patron of art

22 February 1836

February 10 (22), 1836 in St. Petersburg was born a merchant, businessman, lumberman, music publisher and patron of art Mitrofan Petrovich Belyayev.

Mitrofan Petrovich was a representative of the famous dynasty of Belyaevs, Russian entrepreneurs, timber merchants and philanthropists. His father, Peter Belyaev, was a merchant of the first guild, hereditary nobleman. As a boy, Mitrofan began working as an ordinary clerk in his father’s company "Peter Belyaev and Sons" and worked there for 33 years. Mitrofan Belyayev graduated from the German college of the Reformed School in St. Petersburg in 1851.

In 1869, in the village of Soroka (at present - the town of Belomorsk) Mitrofan and his brother N. Belyaev built the first steam sawmill in Karelia Pomorye. The sawing and woodworking factory of Belomorsk, which originated from it, is still operating successfully. Mitrofan also assisted in building a telegraph line from Sumy Posad to Soroka. At his own expense he erected the Trinity Church in the village of Soroka.

Mitrofan Petrovich is known as a patron of Russian music. In 1885 he founded the publishing house of printed music, "M. Belyaev in Leipzig" to publish Russian musical works (the house still exists). In the first 10 years, the publishing house issued 850 works of composers. Belyaev established the annual Glinka prizes to be awarded to Russian composers. From 1884 to 1917, the prizes were awarded to 26 composers.

From 1885 to 1894, in St. Petersburg the philanthropist founded and financed the annual subscription Russian symphonic and chamber concerts, from 1891 - Russian quartet evenings. Belyaev supported such musicians as S. Taneyev, N. Rimsky-Korsakov, A. Glazunov, A. Lyadov and others. By his request, the artist Ilya Repin painted the portraits of N. Rimsky-Korsakov, A. Glazunov, A. Lyadov. Currently, the portraits are part of the collection of the State Russian Museum.

Mitrofan Belyayev died on December 22, 1903 (January 4, 1904) and was buried in Novodevichy Cemetery in St. Petersburg. In 1936, his remains were moved to the Necropolis of Artists in the Alexander Nevsky Monastery (former Tikhvin cemetery).

Mitrofan Petrovich willed over half a million rubles to establish the Music Society, "Board of Trustees for the promotion of Russian composers and musicians."

The following musical works were written in commemoration of the patron: the orchestral prelude "Over the Grave" by Rimsky-Korsakov; "Elegy", "Second Quartet," "Seventh Symphony" by Glazunov. Currently, the Russian Museum in St. Petersburg has a marble bust of Mitrofan Belyaev by sculptor V. Beklemeshev.

In 1909, in the village of Sorka, near the first saw frame of Soroka plants, a monument to Belyaev was erected with the following engraving: "M. P. Belyaev, founder of Soroka plants. Born February 10, 1836. Founded Soroka plants in 1865. A monument by grateful employees and workers erected in 1909." Later, the monument was demolished.


Lit.: Лит.: Вольман Б. Издательство М. Беляева и «Российское музыкальное издательство» // Русские нотные издания XIX — начала XX века. Л., 1970. С. 126-158; Гнетнев К. В. Митрофан Беляев: имя для потомков //Север. 2012. № 3/4. С. 226-233; Киселёв В. А. Письма В. В. Стасова к М. П. Беляеву // Из архивов русских музыкантов. М., 1962. С. 7-26; Мошина Т. А. Митрофан Петрович Беляев : (к 170-летию со дня рождения) / Т. А. Мошина; библиогр. подгот. Е. А. Сайконен // Календарь знаменательных дат Карелии, 2006 год– Петрозаводск, 2005. С. 59-60; Облегчить бескорыстное служение искусству : переписка Римского-Корсакова с М. П. Беляевым / публ. и комментарии Ольги Федоровой // Муз. академия. 1994. № 2. С. 115-132; Оссовский А. Письма А. Н. Скрябина к А. К. Лядову // Орфей : кн. о музыке. Кн. 1. СПб., 1922. С. 153-161; Переписка А. Н. Скрябина и М. П. , 1894-1903. Пг., 1922; Полуйко Е. История одного экспоната : [о памятнике М. Беляеву в с. Сорока] // Сев. курьер. 1995. 25 авг.; Римский-Корсаков Н. А. Летопись моей музыкальной жизни / Н. Римский-Корсаков. 9-е изд. М., 1982. Из содерж.: [М. П. Беляев]. С. 201-211, 218-219, 271-273, 287-287; Стасов В. В. Митрофан Петрович Беляев. М., 1954; Трайнин В. Я. М. П. Беляев и его кружок : попул. очерк. Л., 1975.


Based on the Presidential Library’s materials:

Чествование М. П. Беляева по случаю пятилетия создания Русских симфонических концертов. Слева направо (сидят): А. К. Лядов, В. В. Стасов, Ц. А. Кюи, Н. А. Римский-Корсаков, М. П. Беляев (с дочерью), А. К. Глазунов, Н. А. Соколов. Стоят: С. М. Блуменфельд, А. Н. Антипов, А. А. Копылов, Ф. М. Блуменфельд, Я. Витоль, Н. А. Лавров, Н. А. Арцыбушев, П. А. Трифонов, А. П. Дианин, К. Ф. Антипов, К. А. Антипов, С. А. Ляпунов, А. А. Петров. 1889 г.;

Чествование М. П. Беляева по случаю пятилетия создания Русских симфонических концертов. Справа налево: А. К. Глазунов, Н. А. Римский-Корсаков, В. В. Стасов, К. А. Антипов, А. А. Копылов. 1889 г.;

Чествование М. П. Беляева по случаю пятилетия создания Русских симфонических концертов. Слева направо: В. В. Стасов, К. Ф. Антипов, С. М. Блюменфельд, А. Н. Антипов, А. А. Копылов, А. К. Лядов, Н. А. Лавров, Ф. М. Блюменфельд, С. А. Дианин, Ц. А. Кюи, Н. А. Арцыбушев, П. А. Трифонов, Н. А. Римский-Корсаков, М. П. Беляев, Н. А. Соколов, А. К. Глазунов, А. А. Петров, Я. Витоль. 1889 г.


The material provided by the National Library of the Republic of Karelia