Day of Knowledge – beginning of the school year

1 September 1984

The holiday of September 1 as the beginning of the school year was established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of June 15, 1984. Since that time, the Knowledge Day has been celebrated annually as a national holiday of the Russian Federation.

In pre-Peter era in Russia, September 1 marked the beginning of a calendar year.

Until the mid-1930s, it was the heads of educational institutions who decided when to begin the school year. In 1935, the resolution of the Government set a single day for the beginning of classes for all schools in the USSR - September 1.

In 1984, September 1 received the status of the national holiday - Day of Knowledge. Holiday in schools began with a ceremonial line-up, dedicated to the academic year, then there was the first lesson - Lesson of the Peace, followed by other lessons. In higher education institutions on this day freshmen usually attended a grand meeting.

In the modern era, our country still celebrates this holiday of September 1 in a festive atmosphere. On the first autumn day, pupils and their parents give teachers flowers, congratulate them with the beginning of the school year. The first persons of the country on the Day of Knowledge traditionally congratulate all the teachers and students of Russia.

Based on the Presidential Library’s materials:

Горбов Н. М. Задачи русской народной школы. М., 1887;

Григорьев В. В. Исторический очерк русской школы. М., 1900;

Золотарёв С. А. Голос семьи о школе: (Выводы из ответов на вопросы, предлож. родителям учащихся пед. отд. Рус. лит. кружка в г. Риге). Рига, 1900;

Марков Е. Л. Грехи и нужды нашей средней школы. СПб., 1900;

Н. Н. О задачах русской школы : (По поводу книги "Московский сборник" П. К. Победоносцева). Воронеж, 1897;

Об устройстве общеобразовательной школы. М., 1901;

Рождествин А. С. Ввиду реформы средней школы. Казань, 1900;

Терновский Н. М. Мысли к вопросу о реформе средней школы. Житомир, 1900;

Шереметев П. С. У двери школы: народное образование в Тульской губернии. СПб., 1898.