State reporting in Belgium

Tatarinov, Valerian Alekseevich (1816-1871).
State reporting in Belgium / [Comp.] V.A. Tatarinova, b. state. the controller; With add. I.I. Kaufmann. - 2 nd ed. -Saint Petersburg: type. V. Bezobrazov and Co., 1881. - [2], VIII, 168 p. : ill. ; 26 cm. -
Author. in the book. not specified.
Bibliogr. in a substring. note
I. Kaufman, Illarion Ignatievich (1845-1915 / 16) .1. Power (collection). 2. Belgium.
Source of electronic copy: PB
Location of original: SPbSU
Publisher Тип. В. Безобразова и К°

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