Tales of Jewish writers about the Khazars and the Khazar kingdom. [Issue. 1]

Gyarkyavi, Abraham Yakovlevich (1839-1919).
Tales of Jewish writers about the Khazars and the Khazar kingdom / Collected, trans. and explained A.Ya. Garkavi. - St. Petersburg: type. Imp. Acad. Sciences, 1874. - 22 cm. - .
I. Garkavi, Abraham Yakovlevich (1839-1919) .1. The people (the collection).
Source of electronic copy: PB
Location of original: SPbSU
[Issue. 1]. - 1874. - [4], 162 with .. -
Dedication. His Excellency Afanasy Fedorovich Bychkov.
Part of the text on Fr. and foreign.
Bibliograf. in a substring. Notes .. - Ex .: without region
I. Bychkov, Afanasy Fedorovich. The people (the collection).
Source of electronic copy: PB
Location of original: SPbSU
Publisher тип. Имп. Акад. наук

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