Management of the stability of the revenue base of the consolidated budgets of the subjects of the Federation

Galukhin, Anton Viktorovich (candidate of economic sciences).
Management of the stability of the revenue base of consolidated budgets of the subjects of the Federation: (on the example of the subjects of the North-West Federal District): the dissertation author's abstract on the scientific degree of the candidate of economic sciences: specialty 08.00.10 / Galukhin Anton; [Vologda Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences]. - Vologda, 2018. -34 p. : schemes., tab. -
Location of protection: FGBUN Institute of Economics, RAS. - List of works avt .: p. 21-23 (19 titles). - Bibliograf. in a substring. - As a manuscript.
. -120 copies. .
1. Power (collection). 2. Territory (collection). 3. The Russian state and economy (collection). 4. Finance, money circulation and credit. 5. Budgetary regulation - Subjects - Russian Federation - Abstracts of dissertations. 6. Budget system - Management - Subjects - Russian Federation - Abstracts of dissertations. 7. State Revenues - Russian Federation - Abstracts of dissertations.
BBC 65.261.31я031
ББК 67.402.11я031
Source of the electronic copy: Institute of Economics, Russian Academy of Sciences. Website
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