Legal science and law enforcement practice. 2017, No. 2 (40)

Legal science and law enforcement practice. Tyumen: Tyumen Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2006-
Established by the Tyumen Institute of Advanced Studies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Rarekol: Iogolevich V A, Cand. (chair) and others
Title: 2006 - Juridical science and law enforcement practice (in part: = Legal science and law enforcement practice)
Publisher: 2006, 2009 , No. 1 Tyumen Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; 2012 Tyumen Institute for Advanced Studies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Published quarterly - Published since 2006
Previously published as: Scientific Bulletin of the Tyumen Juridical Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
-ISSN 1998-6963
I Iogolevich, Vladimir Alexandrovich II Tyumen Institute for Advanced Studies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia1 Power (collection) 2 Territory (collection) 3 Domestic serials and continuing editions (collection) 4 Legal Sciences - Periodicals 5 Legal practice - Periodicals 6 Law enforcement agencies - Periodicals
ББК 67я52
Source of the electronic copy: Tyumen Institute for Advanced Training of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Location of original: Tyumen Institute for Advanced Training of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
2017, No. 2 (40) - 2017 -216 with: il -
Contains articles: Is the four-element structure of the offense of general theoretical? / DA Lipinsky, AA Musatkina The concept of corpus delicti in the domestic theory of criminal law / VI Morozov, SG Losev Legal protection: classification grounds, types / LN Berg Implementation of the constitutional right of a minor to qualified legal assistance in the conduct of operational-search activities by operational divisions of internal affairs bodies / VA Kuznetsov, EV Kuznetsova Disciplinary responsibility in administrative law / EL Leschina Administrative and legal qualification of pollution of water bodies в / Н В Данилова Peculiarities of proceedings in cases of administrative offenses providing for punishment in the form of administrative arrest / A V Isinger Principles of the appointment of criminal punishment / TP Sabitov Poverty of corruptive psychology / I Ya KozachenkoLegal policy in the field of information security in the Internet: process modeling / A Malko, AF Rezchikov, VA Ivashchenko, et al. Reasons and conditions for the formation of motives and goals of murders / K Stankevich. Legal determinants of the spread of criminal encroachments of minors on sexual inviolability and sexual freedom of personality / AM Smirnov Criminological portrait of a person committing economic crimes / SM Kazakevich Some problems of the regulation of criminal procedural rights of convicts / AA Krymov Legal status of the convicted person on early release from serving the sentence in connection with the disease / A Skiba National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation and the main lines of police activity / SM Mikailov, SI Ivanova Actual problems of improving the legislative mechanisms for preventing terrorism at the federal and regional levels (on the example of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic) / NG Kanunnikova Ratio of the concepts of the international counter-terrorism operation and the peacekeeping operation / T Verbitskaya Justice of the guilty verdict: the definition of criteria / K V Kornakova, VA Shcherbakov Use of the systems of command and control of police forces in the prevention of crime and in the process of training of police officers / VG Garmanov Problematic issues of the delivery by police officers of persons suspected of committing crimes, and persons who committed administrative violations / EK Cherkasova A system of concepts that characterizes the management activities of law enforcement agencies in an emergency (BV Chernykh, NV Astafyev Chipping timber as a factor in increasing the effectiveness of combating crimes in the forest sector / Ya B Ditsevich, VA Belkov Criminalistic Provision of Organizing Investigation of Fraud Committed Using Communication Means / VA Egorov Interaction of Internal Bodies of cases of the Republic of Belarus with civil society institutions / I Kozeletskii, V Kolyago Improvement of the legislation on administrative violations as a condition for increasing the eff of the application of the monetary penalty in the criminal process of Russia and Kazakhstan / NS Kashtanova. Methods and principles of training shooting from the pistol of employees of the internal affairs agencies heading to the North Caucasus region of the Russian Federation / SN Arkhipov Market manipulation: problems of effectiveness of the criminal-legal prohibition / Bobkov Review of the monograph EV Demidova-Petrova "The methodology of knowledge of juvenile delinquency and the struggle against it: from history to the present" / EG Yuzikhanova
Source of the electronic copy: Tyumen Institute for Advanced Training of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Location of original: Tyumen Institute for Advanced Training of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Publisher Тюменский юридический институт МВД России