From the history of the strike movement in Russia on the eve of the imperialist war.Baku strike 1914

Popov, Alexander Lvovich (1888-1943).From the history of the strike movement in Russia on the eve of the imperialist war.Baku strike 1914 / Alexander Popov;Department of the Leningrad Gubernsky Committee of the RCP (b) on the study of the history of the October Revolution and RCP (b), Leningradskaya Istipart.- Leningrad: State Publishing House, 1925. -149, [2] p.: Tab.;23 cm. -On the cover of the date: 1926..1. Territory (collection).2. Russia and the countries of the world (Collection).3. Russia - Azerbaijan: from the history of relationships (collection).4. Working movement - History - Baku, City (Azerbaijan) - beginning.20 V .. 5. Baku strike - 1914.BBK 63.3 (28-8Bac) 533-421Electronic copy source: Presidential Library (Republic of Azerbaijan)Place of Storage Original: Presidential Library (Republic of Azerbaijan)
Publisher Государственное издательство
Catalogue object