Presidential Library, 2018. Facts and Figures

Presidential Library, 2018. Facts and Figures [Material: electronic resource]: [booklet] / Presidential Library, [Publishing Department]. - Electronic data (2 files, JPEG: 1.8 MB). - (St. Petersburg: Presidential Library, 2019). -
Access Mode: Presidential Library Internet Portal.
Screen Title.
Electronic Reproduction of the Booklet: Presidential Library, 2018. Facts and Figures [Material] / Presidential Library, [Publishing Department]. St. Petersburg: Presidential Library, 2019. 1 sheet (folded in three, images, graphs, diagrams from two sides). Location: Presidential Library.
User copying is not allowed.
I. Presidential Library (St. Petersburg). Publishing department. Presidential Library (St. Petersburg, city) - Booklets. 2. Power (collection). 3. Folk (collection).
BBK 78.34 (2) Я611
BBK 63.3 (2-2SPb) 64Y611
Source of electronic copy: PB
Original storage: PB
Publisher Президентская библиотека
Catalogue object
из 2