Judo for life!Half a century of victories

Judo for life!Half a century of wins: Sketches from the history of "the Club of Judo Turbostroitel" (1969-2019) / [Head of the Editorial Board: Michael Rachlin;concept, drawing, text: Yuri light].- St. Petersburg Foundation for Support and Development of judo named Anatoly Rachlin, 2019. -387, [1] s.: Silt, Portree fax, color....yl., col.PORTRAIT .. -Summary in English.The book "Judo for life half a century of victories!" - the first documented publication on the history of "the Club of Judo Turbostroitel" (1969-2019) and his pupils.The book is based notebooks coach and long-term head of the club AS Rachlin (1938-2013), which contains detailed notes about the main events of club life.In the book chapters 5, each reflecting features of a club of past five decades.The most famous graduate of the club Vladimir Putin during active pursuits in sambo and judo has won 27 medals, including 14 gold.In his book on the facts shown in the "Judo Club Turbostroitel" developed a unique system of education of boys and girls of the best human and sporting qualities, will bring the world to the level of hundreds of wrestlers and judo.-1000 copies.-ISBN 978-5-6042630-8-2.I. Lights, Yuri Ilich (1943-).II.Rachlin, Michael A. (1977-).III."Judo Club Turbostroitel" St. Petersburg Regional Public organizatsiya.1.Rakhlin, Anatoly Solomonovich (1938-2013).2. "Judo Club Turbostroitel", St. Petersburg regional public organization.3. The people (set).4. Russia in the people of (the collection).5. Judo - History - St. Petersburg city.BBK 63.3 (2) 6BBK 75.4 (2)BBK 75.715.8electronic copy Source: Foundation Judo them.A. RachlinThe storage location of the original: Judo Foundation them.A. Rachlin
ISBN 978-5-6042630-8-2
Publisher Фонд поддержки и развития дзюдо имени Анатолия Рахлина
Catalogue object