The technique of the Russian language.Part 2

Pavlovsky Vlad.Gavr.Methods of Russian Language: To teachers' in-comrade and higher.beg.uch-w / Vlad.Havre.Pawlowski, prep.Teachers of the Alexander Inst in Tiflis.- St. Petersburg: [B.and] 1914.. -.1. Russian (collection).electronic copy Source: PBThe storage location of the original: LSUPart 2. - Petrograd: Type.B. Bezobrazoff and K °, 1916. -177, [1] s.: Silt, Table .. -.Part of the text in Church Slavic.lang.Before Zagli.aut .: Vlad.Havre.Pavlovsky, b.Ven.Teachers of the Alexander Inst in Tiflis..: The Preface.Grammar Method: Manual.Church-Slavic language: Handbook.Teaching Spelling.Dictation [et al.].- the text and footnotes.Note..1. Russian (collection).electronic copy Source: PBThe storage location of the original: LSU
Publisher Тип. В. Безобразова и К°