Collection of the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography.T. 2. 3. Mental ability in relation to head circumference, cephalic ind...

Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography.Peter the Great (St. Petersburg).Collection of the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography.- St. Petersburg: [B.and.], 1900-.-Zagli .: 1 (1900) - T. 4, 1 (1916) - Collection Museum anthropology and Ethnography at Imperial Academy of Sciences (with minor rev.);T. 4, 2 (1924) - T. 5, Iss.2 (1925) - Collection of the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography of the Russian Academy of Sciences (with minor rev.);T. 6 (1927) - Collection anthropology Museum and Ethnography;Part no.- Collection of the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography named after Emperor Peter the Great, at the Imperial Academy of Sciences..1. The area (collection).2. The people (set).electronic copy Source: PBThe storage location of the original: MAET. 2 3: Mental ability in relation to head circumference, cephalic index, sociological condition, sex, age and nationality, by Arthur Mac Donald, author of "Man and Abnormal man": (Reported in the meeting of historical-philological department of May 71911).- Petrograd: Type.Imp.Acad.Sciences, 1914. - [2], 10 p.: Table .. -Zagli.reg .: Mental ability in relation to head circumference, cephalic index, sociological condition, sex, age and nationality, by Arthur Mac Donald.On the region .: (Presented at the meeting of historical and philological department of May 7, 1911).Tit.l.and the Russian., fr.and Eng.lang.Ind .: p Manuscript.litter..I. Mac Donald, Arthur.1.The area (collection).2. The people (set).electronic copy Source: PBThe storage location of the original: MAE
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