Distribution and properties of V. cholerae that caused outbreaks of cholera El Tor in the Caucasus during the seventh pandemic

Vasilyev, Oksana V.Distribution and properties of V. cholerae that caused outbreaks of cholera El Tor in the Caucasus during the seventh pandemic: the thesis abstract on competition of a scientific degree of candidate of medical sciences: specialty 14.02.02 : specialty 03.02.03 / Vasileva Oksana V.;Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology.NFGamalei Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.- Moscow, 2015. -22 p.: Yl.;21 cm .. -Bibliogr .: p.20-22 (19 references.)..-100 copies..1. People (collection).2. Prevention and control of epidemics in Russia (the collection).3. Epidemiology.4. Microbiology.BBK 51.941.15ya031BBK 52.649.222.2ya031electronic copy Source: National Research Center of Epidemiology and Microbiology.NFGamal.Website
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