Chuy trading path in Mongolia and its value for mountain altai

Schvetsov, Sergey Porfiryevich (economist, statistics, public figure; 1858-1930).Chuy trading path in Mongolia and its value for the mountain altai / amounted to S. P. Shvetsov, by order of the head of the Altai District;Statistical department with the main administration of the Altai District.- Barnaul: Tip-lithography of the General Directorate of the Altai District, 1898. - [96] p.section.Pag., [2] l.kart.;25 cm. -.1. History of statistics of the Altai (mountain) district (collection).2. Territory (collection).3. Altai Republic: History Pages (Collection).4. Chuyet path (Altai).BBK 63.3 (253.37) 5E-copy source: Altai kunbOriginal Storage Place: Altai Kunb
Publisher типо-литография Главного управления Алтайского округа
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