Features of coping behavior and socio-psychological disadaptation of the population of remote territories of the European North ...

Pushkin, Igor AlexandrovichFeatures of coping behavior and socio-psychological disadaptation of the population of remote territories of the European North of Russia: the dissertation author's abstract on the degree of candidate of psychological sciences: specialty 19.00.04 Pushkin Igor Alexandrovich;[Overlook.Center Extrem.and radiats.Medicine them.A. M. Nikiforov EMERCOM of Russia].- St. Petersburg, 2014. -26 p.: IL.;21 cm .. -Bibliogr.: With.23 - 24 (10 Names.)..-100 cop..1. People (collection).2. Territory (collection).3. Medical psychology.BBK 63.3 (235.1) 64-75Я031BBK 51.1 (235.1), 599Я031BBK 88.531Y031Electronic copy source: All-Russian Center for Emergency and Radiation Medicine.Site
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