The history of the formation and development of the tourism industry of the Kemerovo region (1943–2010)

Pyatovsky, Anton Alexandrovich (candidate of historical sciences).The history of the formation and development of the tourism industry of the Kemerovo region (1943–2010): abstract of the dissertation for the degree of candidate of historical sciences: specialty 07.00.02 / Pyatovsky Anton Alexandrovich;[Kemerovo State University].- Tomsk, 2019. -22 p.;21 cm .. -Place of protection: FGAOU in the National Research Tomsk State University.- List of works Auth.: P.21 (4 names).- Bibliogr.In the tuning.Note .. - on the rights of the manuscript..1. The people (collection).2. Territory of Russia: Kemerovo region (collection).3. Kemerovo region: pages of history (collection).4. Domestic history.5. Tourism - history - Kemerovo region - author of dissertations.BBK 75.814 (2) 6ya031BBK 75.812.2y031BBK 65.433y031Electronic copy source: TSU.Website
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