Materials on the reconstruction of the water supply of the city of St. Petersburg.[Issue].Research on Lake Ladoga

Materials on the reconstruction of the water supply of the city of St. Petersburg.- St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg.City type., [1906-1907].-.1. Territory (collection).Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage location: SZ UGMS[Issue]: Research on Lake Ladoga.E. -1907. -[2], 221-255 p.: table .. -Content: 1. Report I.B.Spindler about the work on the study of bottom ice during the October-December 1906. 2. The message of Professor S.V.Shidlovsky about the course of sanitary studies of the water of Lake Ladoga in 1906 3. The results of chemical and bacteriological tests of water of Lake Ladoga, the spring and summer periods of 1906: 9 tables.4. The results of the study of seasonal water samples of Lake Ladoga: 2 tables.- the text.- free.adj.To the "Izvestia of the St. Petersburg mountain. Duma."No. 27. - Ex.: Without region..1. Territory (collection).Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage location: SZ UGMS
Publisher Спб. городская тип.

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