Study on 1001 nights, its composition, occurrence and development

Estrup, I.A study on 1001 nights, its composition, occurrence and development: with entry.East Lit.Essay by A. Krymsky, in the trans.With Malorus.With additional.aut./ [Op.] I. Estrup;Per.from dates.T. Lange.- Moscow: Type.V.A.Gattsuk, 1904 (region. 1905).-LXXXVIII, IV, 117 p.: Diagon., Table .. - (Proceedings on Oriental Studies published by the Lazarevsky Institute of Oriental Languages; Issue 8b).-Bibliogr.In the settling.Note..I. Crimean, A .. II.Lange, T..1.People (collection).Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage location: Samara OUNB
Publisher Тип. В.А. Гатцук

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