New works on source studies of ancient Russian literature and paleography.44-55

Peretz, V.N.New works on source studies of ancient Russian literature and paleography44-55: from adj.texts of the "Tales of the Sivillah."- Type.Imp.University of St. Vladimir Akts.Froke Pech.and ed.The affairs of N.T.Korchak -Knitsky, 1914. -[2], III, 64 s .. -Part of the text for Church Slavs.ulcer.Bibliogr.In the text and subscription.Note .. - Ott.From university news of 1914..1. Russian language (collection).Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage location: Samara OUNB
Publisher Тип. Имп. Ун-та св. Владимира акц. о-ва печ. и изд. дела Н.Т. Корчак-Новицкого

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