Bulletin of the Tauride Zemstvo.1905. No. 21-22.November

Tauride provincial zemstvo.Bulletin of the Tauride Zemstvo: ed.Lips.Zemstvo.- Simferopol: [B.I.], 1903-1908.-Subtit.: 1903 ed.Tavrich.lips.Zem.Council;1906-1908 weekly.newspaper (since 1906 No. 4 ... ed. province. Zemstvo)..1. Territory (collection).Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage location: East Crimean Ikmz1905. No. 21-22.November: year 3. - property.Type., 1905. -24, 140, [4] p.: table .. -Contents: The highest manifesto on October 17 and the all -depth report of gr.S.Yu.Witte about the improvement of the state system.The highest decrees on the establishment of the Council of Ministers on the construction of public assemblies and on amnesty.Circular of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on public meetings.The highest manifesto and high.Decrees on the peasant issue.The appeal of the Simferopol City Duma, [et al.].- Bibliogr.In the text and subscription.Note .. - Ex.: Without Titus.l..1. Territory (collection).Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage location: East Crimean Ikmz
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