G.Ya.Sedov on the way to the North Pole

Serebryannikov, V.I.G.Ya.Sedov on the way to the North Pole / Comp.IN AND.Serebryannikov;With high.Minor, approved.Com.To equip expeditions to the North Pole and the study of Russian polar countries.- St. Petersburg: Type.P.P.Soykina, 1914. -154 p.: il., maps., Portra .. - (Northern polar countries; Issue 2).-Ex.: Without region., With a handle.litter..I. Sedov, G.Ya .. II.The Committee for the equipment of expeditions to the North Pole and on the study of Russian polar countries. 1.Territory (collection).Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage location: Ban RAS
Publisher тип. П.П. Сойкина

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