Journal of the Ministry of Railways.1906. Prince.5

Journal of the Ministry of Railways1906. Prince.5: With 4 l.crap.(VI, XIV, XV and XIX).- Type.M-va of the routes (T-Va I.N. Kushnerev and Co.), 1906. -192 p., 18 l.Damn., Count., Diagn.: table., Ill., Damn .. -Contents: Water supply to the stations of the southern part of the Orenburg-Tashkent railway on the waterless section between the Keles rivers and the arys of the water supply along the road canvas / A.A.Kukeenberg.The location of the ways at stations / F.A.Galician.On the impact of the penalty and welding of cast iron on its mechanical qualities / V.Ya.Kozlovsky.On the new theory of bulk bodies with experience in the calculations of embankments with stone reflection / N.M.Gersevanov.Regarding the article of engineer A.I.Nikolsky "On the study of stone materials used for the repair of stone clothes of the highway in the Warsaw District of the Route of Messages" / A.A.Helfer, [et al.].- the text and subscription.Note..1. The people (collection).2. Territory (collection).Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage location: PSUPS
Publisher Тип. М-ва путей сообщения (Т-ва И.Н. Кушнерев и К°)

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