Social justice as the value of culture

Agoshkov, Andrey ValerievichSocial justice as the value of culture: an abstract of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy: Specialty 09.00.13 / Agoshkov Andrey Valerievich;[Place of protection: Farwall.Feder.un-t].- Vladivostok, 2018. -46 p.: silt.;21 cm .. -Bibliography: p.42-46 (35 names) and in the settings.Note..1. The people (collection).2. Philosophical anthropology, philosophy of culture.3. Culture.The science.Education - Culture - the theory of culture.4. Sociology - social subsystems - social structure.5. Sociology - the sociology of culture and civilization.BBK 60.027.7ya031BBK 87.703.2y031Electronic copy source: FEFU.Website
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