Materials of the Commission on the Study of the Yakut Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.Ext.35. Preliminary report on the wor...

USSR Academy of Sciences.Commission on the Study of the Yakut Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.Materials of the Commission on the Study of the Yakut Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic / Acad.Sciences of the USSR.- Leningrad, 1925-1930.-Publishing House: Issue.2 (1926) - 36 (1930) Publishing House Acad.Sciences of the USSR.Plug.: Issue.1 (1925) Materials of the Commission on the Study of the Yakutsk ACS of the Republic;Ext.2 (1926), 36 (1930) Materials of the Commission on the Study of the Yakut Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic..I. USSR Academy of Sciences. 1.Yakut scientific complex expedition (1925-1930).2. Territory (collection).3. Territory of Russia: Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) (collection).4. Yakut Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic - Description and Travel.BBK 63.3 (2ros. Yaku) 613BBK 26.89 (2ros. Yaku)Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage: RGOExt.35: Предварительный отчет о работе Янского гидрологического отряда Якутской экспедиции 1927-1929 годов и вопросы судоходства по реке Яне = Compte-rendu preliminaire des travaux du detachement hydrologique de la Iana de l'expedition Iakoute en 1927-1929 et les considerations consernant la navigation surLa Iana.-Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1930. -[6], 48 p., 8 p.Ill., schemes., maps.: table .. -Plug.General descriptions also on the FR.Yaz.: Materiaux de la Commission Pour L'Etude de la Republique Autonome Sovietique Socialiste Iakoute.Plug.Shmutzite.: A preliminary report on the work of the Yang hydrological detachment of the Yakut expedition of 1927-1929.Paralle.Tit.l.on fr.ulcer.Bibliogr.In the tuning.Note..I. Yakut expedition (1927-1929).Yanskaya Hydrological detachment.II.Khmyznikov, P.K..1.Territory (collection).Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage location: Ban RAS
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