The influence of the national and confessional heterogeneity of the population on the economic development of the regions of Rus...

Gravchikova, Alina AlekseevnaThe influence of the national and confessional heterogeneity of the population on the economic development of the regions of Russia: an author of the dissertation for the degree of K. E.n.: specialty 08.00.05 / Gravchikova Alina Alekseevna;[In-T Ec.and organizations].- Novosibirsk, 2022. -33 p.: silt.;21. -Bibliography: p.30-33 (17 names)..1. The people (collection).2. Power (collection).3. Economics and management of the national economy.BBK 65.012-962BBK 67.412BBK 60.723.4Electronic copy source: IEPP SB RAS.Site
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