Live of Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

Gusev, N.N.The life of Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy = The Life of Leo Tolstoi = Das Leben Von Leo Tolstoi = la vie de Leo Tolstoi: Young Tolstoy (1828-1862) / Fig.E.O.Visel and M.V.Nesterova.- Moscow: state.Uch.-pr.School-type.them.ComradeAlekseeva, 1927 (Leningrad :).-456 p.: il., Portr., fax.;26 x 18.5 cm. - (Proceedings of the Tolstoy Museum. On the centenary of the birth of L.N. Tolstoy).-Part of the text on the fr.and English.ulcer.Paralle.Tit.l.In English., German.and fr.ulcer.Dedicated to the bright memory of the one that gave the world of Leo Tolstoy: Maria Nikolaevna the text and subscription.Note .. - Ex.: Without a region., With a handle.litter..I. Tolstoy, Lev Nikolaevich.II.Tolstaya, Maria Nikolaevna.III.Visel, E.O .. IV.Nesterov, M.V..1.Russian language (collection).Electronic copy source: PBThe place of storage of the original: GPI.Center for Social and Political History
Publisher Гос. уч.-пр. школа-тип. им. тов. Алексеева

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