The Red Army fighter is talking with 10-year-old V. Lukin, whose parents were stolen to Germany.Pskov regionJuly 19, 1944 photog...

Title The Red Army fighter is talking with 10-year-old V. Lukin, whose parents were stolen to Germany.Pskov regionJuly 19, 1944 photographers A. Gribovsky, B. Utkin.
Dates 19 июля 1944 г.
Notes Children whose parents were stolen to Germany, with the remnants of their property in the field.Lviv direction.July 1944 the photographer was not established. 1944.
Text language Русский
Call number РГАКФД. Арх. № 0-256232
Original location Российский государственный архив кинофотодокументов
Display format