Empress Maria Feodorovna and her first Women's Institute

Modzalevsky, Leo (1837-1896).Empress Maria Feodorovna and her first Women's Institute: (From the history of the St. Petersburg Mariinsky Inst) / LN Modzalevsky.- St. Petersburg: Type.Deaf school, 1894. - [2] 37.;24 cm. -Ott.of Zh."Education"..1. Mary F. (Empress Russian; 1759 - 1828).2. Mariinsky Institute (St. Petersburg City).3. Power (collection).4. The House of Romanov (collection).BBK 63.3 (2) 521.1electronic copy Source: RSLThe storage location of the original: RSL
Publisher Тип. Училища глухонемых
Catalogue object