Historical review of Siberia. Book. 2. from 1742 to 1823

  Slovtsov, Pyotr Andreevich  (1767-1843).    
Historical review of Siberia / [c.] P. A. Slovtsova . - St. Petersburg: Type. I. N. Skorokhodova, 1886 . - 24 cm
Book. 2: from 1742 to 1823 year. - 1886. - XXVI, 364, V p. - The immortal name of Count M. M. Speransky, once the former Siberian Governor-General, is dedicated .
BBC 63.3 (285) 5
Copy source: RSL
Location on map of originals: RSL
Publisher Тип. И. Н. Скороходова
Catalogue object