
The Party of Democratic Reforms.
[Program]. - [Saint Petersburg]: Type. M. M. Stasyulevich, [1905]. -8 with. ; 25 cm. -
Without tit. l. and region
Before the text of the Program information about the organization and tasks of the Party is placed.
1. History - Russia - The period of capitalism (1861-1917) - The period of imperialism (the second half of the nineties of the nineteenth century, 1917) - The period of the First Russian Revolution (1905-1907) - - Participation of classes, social groups, and strata of the population in the First Russian Revolution - Political parties - Sources. 2. History. Historical Sciences - Political Parties that existed on the territory of the USSR - The bourgeois and petty-bourgeois parties - the Party of the Large Bourgeoisie and the bourgeois-landowner parties - The Party of Democratic Reforms (1906-1907).
ББК Т3 (2) 522.9-48,01
ББК Ф69 (2) 411.5,0
Source of the electronic copy: RSL
Publisher Тип. М. М. Стасюлевича
Catalogue object