The word on the day of the Edema on the All-Russian throne of his imperial Majesty, the pious sovereign of the emperor Nikolai P...

Mikhail (Archimandrite).The word on the day of the addende on the All-Russian throne of his imperial Majesty, the pious sovereign of the emperor Nikolai Pavlovich, the autocrat of the All-Russian, a priestly priest, said in the Kazan Cathedral, which is crowned with the Tverskaya Union by Archimandrite and the Tver Seminary by Rector Mikhail, November 20, 1828.- St. Petersburg: Type.Honey.dep.M-VA internal affairs, 1828. -22 s .. - (collection of words and speeches; Ch. 2) the text..Electronic Source: PB
Publisher в типографии Медицинского департамента Министерства внутренних дел
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