N.I. Ilminsky, director of the Kazan Teachers' Seminary

Vitevsky, Vladimir Nikolaevich (1845-).
N.I. Ilminsky, director of the Kazan Teachers' Seminary: (Um., December 27, 1891): With the adj. portraiture. N.I. Il'minskogo / [Soch.] V.N. Vitevsky. - Kazan: type. Imp. University, 1892. -64 p. ; 23. -
At the end of the preface. Authors: Vladimir Vitevsky.
In the part of the circulation on tit. l. and on the region. the instruction on adj. portrait.
Ott. from Izvestia in the Kazan Diocese for the year 1892 No. 4-7. - Portr. is missing.
I. Ilminsky, Nikolai Ivanovich (1828-1891).
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Publisher Тип. Имп. ун-та

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