Overview of the Vladimir province in the agricultural respect .... ... for 1909 year. Issue. 1. Types of harvest of winter bread...

Overview of the Vladimir province in an agricultural way ... - Vladimir on Klyazma: Vladimir. lips. zemsk. soviet, 1897-1916. - 22. -
With the ed. for 1897. nazgol .: "Appraisal and Economic Department of the Vladimirsky Gubernia Zemstvo Administration."
I. The Vladimir Gubernia. zemstvo council. Estimating and economic department.
Source of the electronic copy: PB
... for the year 1909. Issue. 1: Species for the harvest of winter bread and the state of spring crops by June 25. - 1909. -18 .. - .
Source of the electronic copy: PB
Publisher Владимирск. губ. земск. управа

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