Reports Pokrovskaya uyezd zemstvo Board of the next county zemsky assembly .... 1912 year. Apps .... Apps ...

Pokrovskaya County Zemstvo Board.
Reports Pokrovskaya uyezd Zemstvo Board of the next county zemstvo assembly ... - Vladimir on Klyazma, 1875-1916. - 26. -
Place of the ed. of the report for 1875: Moscow.
Zagl. reports: for 1873, 1877, 1884-1888, 1892: Reports and reports of the Pokrovskaya County Zemstvo Board to the next district zemstvo assembly; for 1890, 1900: Reports and reports ...; for 1893: Pokrovsky County reports. zemstvo council.
Source of the electronic copy: PB
1912 year. Applications ...: Applications ... - 1913. - [3], 83 s .. - .
Source of the electronic copy: PB

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