Materials for the assessment of lands in the Perm province. T. 5. Iss. 2. Shadrinsky district

Materials for the assessment of lands in the Perm Gubernia: T. 1- / Stat. office Perm. lips. zemstvos. - Perm, 1898-1906. 24-26. -
Attached. to the "Collection of the Perm Zemstvo."
I. The Permian Gubernia. statistical bureau.
Source of the electronic copy: PB
T. 5. Iss. 2: Shadrinsky county: The economic data of the household census. - A type. lips. earth. Administration, 1904 (region 1905). - [5], 401 s. : table .. - .
Source of the electronic copy: PB
Publisher Тип. Губ. зем. управы

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