Russian bulletin. 1893. T. 229. [No. 11]. November

Russian Herald
1893. T. 229. [No. 11]. November. - St. Petersburg: Type. High. ut. T-va "The Society of Benefits", 1893. - [452] p. Sec. pag. : tab. -
Contents: From the Editor. "There was a thunderous storm": Stihotv. N. P-o. Fergana: VIII-X / [Com.] Evgen. L. Markov. From the memoirs of Tocqueville: (Finish). In the troubled years: Roman: (Continued) / [Com.] NI. Pavlova, [and others]. - Bibliograf. in a substring. note
Source of the electronic copy: PB
Publisher Тип. Высоч. утв. Т-ва "Обществ. польза"

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